The central area of Cahul was renovated with the support of the European Union and UNDP Moldova

September 7, 2024
Centru Cahul

The surrounding area of the Palace of Culture "Nicolae Botgros" in Cahul municipality, the access to the "Nufărul Alb" Sanatorium and a section of Victoria Avenue were renovated. The works, worth more than €1,817 million, included paving the sidewalks, asphalting a 0.7 km-long section of road, cycle paths, construction of three dry-type pavilions with music and light show, as well as a children's playground and green areas with directed irrigation. The works were carried out with the financial support of the European Union (80% of the total amount) and the contribution of the City Hall of Cahul municipality (20% of the total amount).

"Through this project, we have created another beautiful space in the city center and we have strengthened the capacity and the environment for the activity of one of the most important cultural institutions in the locality, the Palace of Culture in Cahul. We thank the EU and UNDP Moldova," said Nicolae Dandis, Mayor of Cahul city.

The modernization of the central area improves the infrastructure and contributes to the development of cultural, sports, entertainment institutions and at least 13 local businesses located in the area. At the same time, the newly developed space will offer people, especially children and young people, a friendly environment to spend their free time. 

"Revitalisation of the urban center`s infrastructure will boost local businesses, cultural venues, sports facilities, and entertainment options. It will also create a welcoming space for people, particularly children and young adults, to enjoy their leisure time. The European Union has been proud to support Cahul. Through various initiatives, only in the past four years, the EU has provided over 10 million euros to fund projects that have improved public services, infrastructure, business environment, and local governance. These investments are a demonstration of the EU commitment to the city's well-being and prosperity," said Julda Kielyte, Team Leader of the Competitive and Inclusive Growth Portfolio of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. 

The project for revitalization and modernization of the central area was selected by citizens following a competition organized by the "EU4Moldova: Focal Regions" programme, which invited Cahul residents to propose ideas for the transformation of their city.

"UNDP remains committed to work closely with local public authorities, businesses and civil society to ensure the sustainability and success of this project. We believe that the revitalized urban centre of Cahul will not only improve the quality of life for its residents but will also serve as a model for other regions in Moldova," said Zinaida Adam, Programme Analyst at UNDP Moldova.

The modernization works in the central area of Cahul city took place within the framework of the "EU4Moldova: Focal Regions," funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP and UNICEF. The works were carried out between September 2023 – August 2024.

"EU4Moldova: Focal regions" programme (2019-2024) supports smart, inclusive, and sustainable socio-economic development in the Cahul and Ungheni regions to bring a better quality of life to citizens.