Official Alert app that keeps you connected to the official news

December 14, 2015
Official Alert app that keeps you connected to the official news

The Association of Journalists for Environment and Eco Tourism from Republic of Moldova has launched the application Official Alert – a tool that facilitates the access to the official news.

The application’s purpose is to facilitate the work of journalists, and also to increase the citizens' access to official information. The application is connected to 38 official institutions, including ministries, the government, the parliament, and other government institutions. Thus, those who subscribe to alerts will be notified whenever one of the official pages is being updated.

At the moment, the e-mail subscription is possible via the website is external), as well as using the Official Alert application on android, the application is available on Google Play and is for free. Meanwhile, it is being working on iOS app that will be available in apx. four weeks.

The journalists are the target audience of the application. However, the application is available to the general public as well, since anyone who uses the application is being informed about the work of government institutions.

The project’s authors are Ms. Lilia Curschi and Ms. Cristina Straton.

The project Official Alert has been made possible thanks to a grant won in the first civic journalism hackathon in Moldova "The fifth power", organized by the Centre for Independent Journalism in Moldova and Internews.

The project is co-funded by the program "Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)" funded by the European Union, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme.

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