Republic of Moldova hosts first international cluster event

October 10, 2024
Clusters Meet Regions

The role of clusters in regional development and smart specialization, the development of digital competences, examples and opportunities for interregional and international collaboration between clusters are some of the topics discussed at the international conference "Clusters Meet Regions", held for the first time in the Republic of Moldova, on 10-11 October 2024.

The event, organized by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme Moldova and the Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO, brings together over 150 participants: entrepreneurs, experts, representatives of public authorities, clusters from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union.

The event tackles the role of clusters as dialogue partners in the design, implementation and monitoring of regional development policies and programmes, with a focus on smart specialization, skills for industrial transition and entrepreneurship. It also addresses the role of clusters in the economic development of the Republic of Moldova, as well as interregional collaboration in the EU through clusters, with a special focus on the Danube and Black Sea regions.

On the margins of the conference, nine clusters from the Republic of Moldova were awarded the ECEI Bronze Label "Striving for Cluster Excellence" by the European Cluster Analysis Secretariat. They are the "Dealurile Măgurii", Berry and Furniture clusters from the Ungheni region, as well as the VIA Cahul, "Apicol" and "Bacii Sudului" clusters from the Cahul region, together with the "Inima Nistrului", "Herbafruct" and Livestock and dairy production “Ovi-caprin Cimișlia-Basarabeasca" micro-clusters. The nine clusters have a total of over 235 members and were created in 2022-2023 with the support of UNDP, the European Union and the Government of Switzerland.

Bronze certification facilitates access to opportunities for collaboration with clusters in the European Union, partnerships and the development of joint projects. This will boost local economic development and fortify community resilience by supporting local entrepreneurship, attracting investment and generating new jobs.

"The Clusters Meet Regions conference in Chișinău, the first ever to be organized by the European Commission in a non-EU country and the 9 bronze medals won by Moldovan clusters, are a recognition of a brilliant start. The hard climb to excellence lies ahead, which development partners should continue to support in order to reap the rewards of some of the best cluster support programs in the world that it is currently implementing," said Daniel Coșniță, President of CLUSTERO.

"By pooling resources and expertise, clustering turns local challenges into global opportunities for the furniture industry. Thanks to the continuous support of UNDP Moldova and the European Union, the Furniture cCuster has moved to a new level, and the Bronze certification we have obtained underlines our firm commitment to the development and progress we are undertaking," emphasized Alexandru Covali, manager of the Furniture Cluster in Ungheni region. 

As of 2019, UNDP Moldova and its partners - the European Union, Sweden Switzerland, the United Kingdom - supported the setting up of 17 clusters. These efforts contribute to local economic development as well as to Moldova's integration into international business networks.

Areas supported by UNDP include: livestock farming, horticulture, tourism, and industry. In total, UNDP and its partners are investing US$4.8 million in cluster development throughout the country (including the left bank of the Nistru).