Simpals and Codifun companies won the competition of innovative projects launched by the National Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies (ATIC) and UNDP Moldova. The projects will be supported with USD 60,000. The winning companies will double the provided funds from their own resources.
“We support with great enthusiasm these two innovative and important initiatives for the future of education, which is seen more-and-more in the digital world. Both projects promise to enhance capacities of students and professors by connecting them to relevant online resources. We support the transparency that both companies focus on in addition to the interactive component that contributes to the easier assimilation of the teaching material and development of a friendly attitude towards education overall,” said Dumitru Vasilescu, Policy Specialist, UNDP Moldova
Codifun platform aims to launch a virtual mentor (Intelligent Teacher) that will provide courses by use of innovative psycho-pedagogical methods and will promote the learning through play. The Intelligent Teacher will store the academic results in a CV that will be connected to schools, universities and companies. Hence, the pupils will be able to prepare in advance for the university or get a job. Local companies and authorities will be able to use Codifun solution to prepare future employees and re-qualify or train own candidates.
“We highly appreciate UNDP and ATIC contribution to the development of our project and digitalisation of Moldovan education. With this grant, we will succeed in adapting the platform to the needs of a Smart City, providing Smart Education solutions to be on the same page with digital innovations and new profession,” states Veceslav Caburgan, Director of Codifun.
Simpals company designs and implements web portals, social projects, sports and entertainment events and has the biggest animation studio in the Republic of Moldova. The online platform developed by the Simpals aims at connecting to a virtual community parents, pupils and teachers to ensure actuality, efficiency and transparency of the education process. will provide access to a set of applications such as electronic agenda, electronic register, time-schedule, performance evaluation, information about pupils, as well as a library that will store all educational materials. The product was developed together with the representatives of schools and will be piloted initially in 10 schools.
“Nowadays, teachers spend a lot of time filling in many documents. With the implementation of the electronic agenda, they will no longer do this and will save time. The directors of the education institutions will have access to a set of statistical data, which will contribute to a more efficient management process of the institution. In turn, students and parents will have access to course materials without the need to call their class peers, especially if they miss the classes.”
The innovative project competition was launched within the initiative “Private Sector Engagement for Sustainable Development Goals” of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project is funded by the Impact Investment Facility of the Regional UNDP Office for Europe and Central Asia.