Winners of the third edition of drawing and painting contest “Talent does not take bribes. Integrity in images” were awarded
December 9, 2016
Winners of the drawing and painting contest “Talent does not take bribes. Integrity in images” were awarded on International Anticorruption Day, 9 December by the National Anticorruption Center (NAC). The competition is a part of the Social Campaign "I – on the pathway to education through integrity" and was conducted within the project "Strengthening the corruption prevention and analysis functions of the NAC", implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
The contest was organized in the period of September 16 to November 8, being presented over 300 works made by children and students from arts schools and colleges all over the country. The authors expressed their own vision over corruption phenomenon in the Republic Moldova. The jury analyzed and selected 13 winning art works. Another 40 children received consolation prizes.
The winners of the contes were designated: Adriana Cujba, 17 years (Chisinau), Alin Stircu, 12 years (Falesti), Antonela Iatco, 12 years (Soldanesti), Ana Vacarciuc, 12 years (Soldanesti), Gabriela Stroici, 13 years (Telenesti), Ala Rudei, 17 years (Soldanesti), Iana Ceburciu, 16 years (Soldanesti), Adriana Cebotari, 10 years (Soldanesti), Anastasia Grubaia, 11 years (Balti), Ana Teleaga, 14 years (Chisinau), Ana-Maria Tatarenco, 9 years (Soldanesti), Tatiana Seraciova, 12 years (Telenesti) and Ana Bahrim, 18 years (Chisinau).
The drawings were included into 4000 Calendars of Integrity for 2017, that will be distributed to central and local authorities, so as professionals from various fields to promote a "zero tolerance" attitude towards corruption. More than 50 art works are being exposed during 9 to 23 December at the National Art Museum gallery.