[Closed] Autonomous integrated irrigation systems based on wind turbines, small hydro and photovoltaic installations

Duration:2015 – 2017
Budget:88,554 USD
Beneficiaries:High Value Agriculture Producers
Focus Area:Inclusive Growth
Partners:Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and Technical University of Moldova
Project Document:Autonomous integrated irrigation systems based on wind turbines, small hydro and photovoltaic installations
Final Report:Autonomous integrated irrigation systems based on wind turbines, small hydro and photovoltaic installations - Final Report

Project Summary:

The project aims at introducing to the Moldovan agricultural producers an innovative technology on autonomous irrigation systems based on non-traditional energy source, demonstrating good practices and provide testing grounds for usage of renewable energy sources in irrigation applications.


  • The project objective is to create drip or sprinkler irrigation systems integrated with energy conversion systems (wind, hydro and solar photovoltaic) and computerized intelligent and interactive control allowing to manage simultaneously irrigation, fertilization and phytosanitary treatments application processes. Usage of such technology will contribute to reducing long-term energy dependency of irrigation systems users, reducing the cost of agricultural production and ultimately provide an example and opportunity for producers to become environmentally more responsible or "green".

Expected results:

  • The transition to renewable energy sources (wind, hydro, solar) in agricultural processes will reduce the needs for usage of fossil fuels and power supplies;
  • Contribution to an increased competitiveness of the Moldovan agricultural products.


  • Creation of systems for drip or sprinkler irrigation integrated with energy conversion systems (wind and solar photovoltaic) and computerized intelligent and interactive control by managing simultaneously irrigation, fertilization and phytosanitary treatments application processes: Autonomous micro sprinkler irrigation systems integrated with photovoltaic installations (PV) developed for agricultural enterprise „TriDenal”, Criuleni and autonomous drip irrigation systems integrated with photovoltaic installations (PV) developed for agricultural enterprise „Fortina Labis”, v. Floreni, Ungheni;
  • Design and development of automated control system for monitoring and optimization of the water, nutrients and pesticides flow control, a tool that allows small and medium farmers to set up and master the irrigation, fertilization and plant protection product applications;
  • Automation of plantation's irrigation process carried out: three irrigation planning and control modalities have been proposed and software testing has been carried out to ensure the high reliability of the information and command system and efficiency. A series of applications have been developed for the irrigation monitoring system, which allows the final user to make the necessary totals and conclusions to become more competitive on the market;
  • Scientific results (monographs, articles) published in 16 national and international journals and booklets; 7 patents granted;
  • Presentation of scientific results in national and international exhibitions - 36 awards (21 gold medals, 1 silver medal, 3 bronze medals, 6 special awards and 7 diplomas of excellence) received during 2016-2017, within the project.
Romanian Government
201569,262 USD68,115 USD
2016 68 USD
201721,188 USD20,371 USD