[Closed] Enhancing access to justice for living in dignity

Duration:2023 – 2024
Donor:Germany via the UNDP Global Programme for Strengthening the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Justice and Security for Sustainable Peace and Development 
Beneficiaries:Women and men, including from minority and marginalised groups, survivors of domestic violence and their children, Ukrainian refugees in hosting communities, justice chain actors, providers of state guaranteed legal aid, national and local state institutions engaged in support to refugees and asylum seekers and host communities
Focus Area:Effective Governance, Justice & Human Rights
Partners:National Legal Aid Council, justice chain actors, local public authorities, specialized NGO’s, professionals from social sector
Project Document:Enhancing access to justice for living in dignity
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

The overall objective of the proposed intervention is to enhance the resilience of the rule of law system from the Republic of Moldova and strengthen its capacities to deliver effective remedies and provide access to public services. It is intended to address the multifaceted and interconnected challenges of the current polycrisis through strengthening institutions, empowering vulnerable groups to access legal services and unlocking the potential of digital transformation in support of better access to justice.

UNDP will provide rule of law institutions and other relevant actors (such as CSOs) with the adequate tools and knowledge to work across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and to improve access of refugees, and host communities to inclusive justice services, safety, and security, and 
protection systems. 

At the same time, this intervention will seek to empower justice seekers to claim their rights and access legal services while seeking remedies for their grievances. 


  • Rule of law system-wide capacities to address justice needs of vulnerable groups, including refugees and host communities are enhanced;
  • Vulnerable groups are empowered to claim their rights and access legal remedies for their grievances;
  • Digital transformation agenda in support of enhanced rule of law system in Moldova is advanced.   

Expected results:

  • People-centered justice needs and satisfaction survey to provide robust evidence that supports programming and policy making in the areas of justice and rule of law conducted;
  • Mobile Team model to enhance access of local and refugee women and girls to gender-based violence (GBV) support services extended in five targeted regions and capacities thereof enhanced;
  • Support in expansion of legal aid services to incorporate mediation provided;
  • Support to the creation and operationalization of the mobile legal aid team service delivery model provided;
  • Assessment on the accessibility of justice from the perspective of people with disabilities conducted;
  • Assessment of potential legal barriers in the operationalization of the temporary protection system for refugees conducted;
  • Access to services and legal remedies for refugees and host communities on their path to solving grievances they face, including in the context of the temporary protection measures, enhanced through the network of civil society organizations and network of up to 25 Ukrainian nationals working at the sub-national level;
  • Three CSOs on the left bank of the Nistru river engaged in providing access to services and legal remedies to vulnerable groups, including refugees. Capacities of these CSOs enhanced to participate actively in awareness raising activities, assessment of most pressing legal issues faced by specific vulnerable groups and advocacy efforts. Knowledge sharing and capacity building events on international humanitarian law and humanitarian response organised;
  • Guidelines on basic national legislation, related to the areas covered by the temporary protection measures and other critical aspects of Moldovan legal system, developed and disseminated;
  • Regional summer schools, bringing together youth from host communities from both banks of Nistru river and young people who left Ukraine, focused on rule of law, human rights standards, civic engagement and obligations and temporary protection measures organised;
  • Support in reengineering and digitalizing the internal processes of the National Legal Aid Council to operationalize and integrate the provision of partially-free legal aid services provided;
  • Digital justice solution to support access to legal aid for people in detention in cases examined remotely developed and piloted in three locations;
  • Remote delivery of primary legal aid assistance (tele-assistance) in three pilot areas enabled
  • Digital readiness assessment and develop a ‘To Be’ vision of the digitally enabled Bar Association of Moldova in support of e-transformation of legal profession conducted.


  • Assessment "Implementation of temporary protection granted on the territory of the Republic of Moldova to displaced persons from Ukraine: the situation after six months” completed;
  • Through the partnerships with local CSOs, over 1500 refugees were helped to address their legal grievances and temporary protection concerns. 25 Ukrainians have been enrolled and trained to become focal points and help their co-nationals to overcome legal problems or issues related to protection mechanisms available;
  • 5 mobile teams operational in 9 districts helped 1008 women and girls from host communities and refugee groups, to access multidisciplinary GBV support;
  • 5 guidelines on basic national legislation related to the areas covered by the temporary protection mechanism and other critical aspects of Moldovan legal system developed;
  • 186 young people (136 girls, 50 boys) from Moldova and Ukraine joined Youth for Justice summer camps, empowering them to become drivers for change and human rights advocates in their own communities.
Germany via the UNDP Global Programme for Strengthening the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Justice and Security for Sustainable Peace and Development 