[Closed] HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan (second stage)

Duration:2017 – 2021
Donor:Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
Coverage:Republic of Moldova
Beneficiaries:Ministry of Environment, which is responsible on behalf of the Government for developing and promoting of state policy for sustainable development of the country's agribusiness sector, Public Association of the Refrigeration Technicians from the Republic of Moldova, End-users and service companies and importers dealing with refrigeration and air-conditioning, Technical University of Moldova with the Training Centre “TEHNOFRIG”, Customs Service, State Ecological Inspectorate, Media institutions and NGOs
Focus Area:Climate Change, Environment & Energy
Partners:Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, which is responsible on behalf of the Government for developing and promoting of state policy for sustainable development of the country's agribusiness sector, Public Association of the Refrigeration Technicians from the Republic of Moldova, End-users and service companies and importers dealing with refrigeration and air-conditioning, Technical University of Moldova with the Training Centre “TEHNOFRIG”, Customs Service, State Ecological Inspectorate, Media institutions and NGOs
Project Document:HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan (second stage)
Final Report:HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan (second stage)
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

The project aims to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to develop its national plan with medium and long-term actions to honor the obligations it has assumed as a signatory of the Montreal Protocol. The project will support Moldova for the implementation of the Phasing out Scheme for Hydrochlorofluorocarbons for 2016-2040 and the Action Plan for its Implementation in 2016-2020 (GD No 856 of 13 July 2016).


  • Support for Moldova in the implementation of the National HCFC Program for the period 2016-2040 and the Action Plan for its implementation in 2016-2020 to meet its HCFC reduction targets by 2020 - 35% reduction in HCFC consumption at the base level;
  • Implementing new "ozone-friendly" technology and technological support for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector by purchasing equipment/tools and demonstrating new technologies (natural refrigerants) in the commercial sector.

Expected results:

  • Legislative-normative and institutional framework for the medium and long term to respect the obligations of the Republic of Moldova towards the consolidated Montreal Protocol;
  • Action Plan for the implementation in 2016-2020 of the National Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) Phase-Out Program for the years 2016-2040 implemented;
  • 35% reduction in HCFC use from baseline to 2020 achieved.


  • The regulation of the Commission responsible for allocation of the annual HCFC import quota was approved (GD nr.589, 21.06.2018);
  • The Governmental Decision on the Certification of refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) technicians was approved (GD 483/2019);
  • The draft law for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol approved by the Government (GD 536/2020) and sent to the Parliament for adoption;
  • The ODS Regulation (Law 852/2002) was amended in order to ban the import of equipment and their components, technologies that contains or is  functioning based on the ODS (Annex A Groups I and II, Annex B Group I, Annex C Groups I, II and III);
  • Three advanced portable refrigerant identifiers were purchased and distributed to the Customs Service;
  • Basic recovery equipment and servicing tools including electronic leak detector (20 units), manifold (20 units), standards and high pressure hoses (20 units), refrigerant recovery unit (40 units), vacuum pump (20 units) were purchased & distributed to Servicing Companies in order to equip trained and certificated technicians in line with new system;
  • 60-80% of recovered HCFCs were recycled with equipment funded in previous projects by the Multilateral Fund;
  • The brochure "Good Servicing Practices for Flammable Refrigerants: a quick guide" - developed and widely disseminated;
  • The guidance “Regulation of the Import/Export of ODSs, equipment and products with ODSs” updated;
  • The Code of Good Practices in RAC sectors updated;
  • To expand the pool of relevant experts, 45 customs officers, 40 technicians and 24 environmental inspectors were trained on ozone-friendly technologies and their use;
  • For continuous capacity strengthening in RAC sector, with support of the project, refrigerant equipment/basic tools were distributed to vocational schools (the Technological College, the Center of Excellence in Energy and Electronics) and Training Centre “TEHNOFRIG” of the Technical University of Moldova;
  • For the ozone and climate related benefits, demonstration of alternative HCFC technologies in commercial sector (natural refrigerants such as CO2) was completed in the commercial sector.
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
2019$102,950  $97,294