Moldova Sustainable Green Cities

[Closed] Moldova Sustainable Green Cities

Duration:2018 – 2023
Donors:Global Environment Facility, UNDP
Coverage:Republic of Moldova
Beneficiaries:Chișinău City Hall, Ungheni and Bălți municipalities, Sîngerei District Council
Focus Area:Climate Change, Environment & Energy
Partners:Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Municipality of Chisinau, Energy Efficiency Agency, local authorities from Ungheni and Sîngerei, housing associations, private companies and state enterprises, IFIs
Project document:Moldova Sustainable Green Cities
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

While still being the least urbanized European country with over 55% of the population residing in rural areas (as of 2014), the situation is rapidly changing in Republic of Moldova, with projected reduction of the share of rural population down to 50% by 2030 and close to 40% by 2050. The inflow of new residents has been particularly strong to Chisinau, not only from the rural areas, but also from other cities across the country. By 2030 Chisinau is expected to host over 50% of all urban population in Moldova putting even more pressure on city's infrastructure and services, while also creating considerable social and environmental challenges. Thus, the management of the urbanization and rural-urban migration process has been gaining attention as one of the key national development priorities.

The objective of the project is to catalyse investments in low carbon green urban development based on integrated urban planning approach by encouraging innovation, participatory planning and partnerships between a variety of public and private sector entities.

The project supports the establishment of the Green City Lab as the leading knowledge management and networking platform, clearing house, an inter-mediator of finance and a source of innovations and expertise to catalyse sustainable low carbon green city development in Moldova with a mission to transform Chisinau and other urban centres in Moldova into modern green and smart European cities with improved quality of life for their citizens, while also demonstrating opportunities for sustainable economic growth.


  • To catalyse investments in low carbon green urban development based on integrated urban planning approach;
  • To encourage innovation, participatory planning and partnerships between a variety of public and private sector entities.

Expected results:

  • Fully operational and sustainable Green City Lab (GCL) recognized by the key stakeholders as the leading innovation, knowledge management and networking platform and a source of expertise for catalyzing sustainable low carbon green city development in Moldova;
  • Successfully completed pilot/demonstration projects facilitated by the GCL with related monitoring, reporting and verification of its results in: integrated and participatory urban land use and mobility planning; residential building energy efficiency and renewable energy use; low carbon mobility; resource efficient waste management.
  • Knowledge management and M&E to facilitate learning, scaling up and replication of project results.


  • 30 electric scooters integrated in a public sharing service;
  • 25 3D printed creative benches produced and installed on Mircea cel Batran blvd.;
  • 5 sensors for measuring air quality non-stop and on real time were installed in 5 districts of Chisinau;
  • 3 pedestrian crossings rehabilitated on Dacia blvd.;
  • One multiapartment building interior lightening autonomy ensured through re-use of the old electric vehicle battery as a storage for the photovoltaic panels;
  • 16 Fast Track Challenge Programme innovation projects tackling mobility, waste management, water pollution and energy efficiency implemented;
  • 2 solar trees generating green energy to charge for free electronic gadgets installed in Riscani and Ciocana districts;
  • Feasibility study "Development of the electric vehicles charging infrastructure" developed;
  • 4 editions of the electric cars’ marathon accomplished;
  • 3 electric vehicle charging station installed at METRO premises;
  • 52 electric vehicles charging stations installed as part of the UNDP- Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure partnership (co-financing $118,414);
  • is external) citizen engagement and reporting platform developed;
  • Green City Lab is external) developed;
  • Roadmap for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Chisinau was developed using international expertise provided in the framework of Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs in the amount of $99,055;
  • Urban Street Design Guideline developed and approved by the Municipal Council;
  • Bicycle Infrastructure Strategic Development Plan for Chisinau developed;
  • A pre-feasibility and feasibility study for transforming biomass waste into energy developed;
  • Green design code for the buildings developed;
  • A Strategy and an Action Plan for Smart Technology and Mobility for Chisinau municipality were developed;
  • Roadmap for Sustainable energy and climate action plan for Chisinau Municipality developed;
  • Establishment of the dedicated bus lanes implemented on main transit streets from city centre;
  • An Energy Management Information System (EMIS) was installed in 17 public buildings from Chisinau;
  • Demonstrative project on collecting glass, plastic and aluminium bottles through 25 Reverse Vending Machines pilot project is under implementation;
  • A residential building from Chișinpu municipality, Sîngerei District Hospital, and the Placement Center for Adults and Older People from Sculeni village, Ungheni, were connected to photovoltaic installations to generate electric energy;
  • 6 residential buildings from Chișinău and Bălți municipality (376 apartments) were switched to horizontal system of distribution the thermal energy;
  • A nursery for producing saplings for the green spaces in localities established in partnership with Botanical Garden of Moldova;
  • Green Spaces Guide for Chișinău Municipality developed.
GEF (Global Environment Facility)UNDPGovernment of Moldova
2018$194,804.88$420.19 $195,246
2019$404,043.57$5,045.99 $409,426
2020$565,940.51$32,196.13$105,996.32 $704,132.96