[Closed] Nistru Hydro Power Complex Social and Environmental Impact Study

Duration:2018 – 2021
Coverage:Republic of Moldova
Beneficiaries:Government of Moldova
Focus Area:Climate Change, Environment & Energy
Partners:Ministry of Environment
Project Document:Nistru Hydro Power Complex Social and Environmental Impact Study
Final Report:Nistru Hydro Power Complex Social and Environmental Impact Study - Final Report
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

The Dniester Hydro Power Complex (HPC) is functioning for many years and various environmental impacts and other consequences of its operation were registered on the Nistru river downstream, including hydropeaking, altering water flow and spatial pattern of temperature, fluctuating water level, drastic slowing up of the gravel and sand sediments movement, etc.

Currently, the Agreement on functioning of the Dniester HPC is being developed and negotiated between the Governments of Moldova and Ukraine. It aims to provide the legal background for functioning of HPC and its further extension, as well as to establish responsibilities of both contracting parties in terms of ensuring safety of the HPC functioning. To fully consider in the Agreement all the concerns regarding protection of the Nistru river against hydro-power generation impacts, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive study and assessments covering a wide range of issues linked to the hydropower generated impacts on the Moldovan part of the Nistru river, and to provide essential legal and negotiation support to Moldova in the course of the Agreement elaboration and negotiation.


  • To ensure that the Government of the Republic of Moldova is aware of the impacts of the functioning of the Dniester HPC;
  • To provide public with science-based information on the current and potential impacts of the functioning of the Dniester HPC.

Expected results:

  • Detailed Study on current and potential environmental and socio-economic impacts on the territory of Moldova resulting from operation of the hydro power generation facilities on the Nistru river elaborated, and the findings widely distributed;
  • Capacities of the Moldovan negotiation team (men and women) enhanced;
  • Science-based information on the current and potential impacts of the functioning of the Dniester HPC provided.


  • A comprehensive study was conducted on the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the operation of the Dniester Hydropower Complex (DPC), which contains reliable data and timely answers to questions from members of the Dniester Commission, the negotiating group of the draft agreement of DPC and civil society. The study contains the arguments and evidence needed to make concrete decisions, mainly in cooperation with Ukrainian partners, but also to be addressed through policies, programs and plans for national and local socio-economic development;
  • A communication campaign for the presentation of the results of the study was conducted and included:  the press club meeting dedicated to Nistru River Day; 7 round tables at basin and sub-basin committee levels; press articles published, infographics with relevant information on the social and environmental impact of HPC, participation in radio and television broadcasts presenting the results of the study, organization of a press trip to Naslavcea dam, publication of the brochure on the impact of Dniester Hydro Power Complex on the  environment, ecosystems of the Nistru River and the economy of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Strengthening institutional capacities for cross-border management of the Nistru waters, which included: workshops on topics related to water management, in particular transboundary waters, water diplomacy, negotiation techniques, cross-border cooperation, issues related to the recognition of property rights, delimitation and demarcation of the border, etc., preparation of the members of the Dniester Commission from Moldova for the second bilateral meeting of the Dniester Commission held on 4-5 April 2019 (Kyiv, Ukraine), there was offered support in preparation for the third meeting of the Dniester Commission, 28-29 October 2021 (Orhei, Republic of Moldova) and have been presented the results of the Impact and Environmental Study on the most important research and findings (methodology for estimating minimum flows and spring ecological flood, impact on hydrology and river hydromorphology, impact on hydrobiodiversity and estimation it costs for lost ecosystem services).