Hydro-infrastructure rehabilitation to mitigate vulnerability to climate-driven extreme events in the Republic of Moldova

Duration:2024 – 2027
Donor:Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Coverage:5 pilot areas: Copăceanca, Soloneț, Bahu, Ialgug, and Lăpușna watersheds
Beneficiaries:Ministry of Environment, “Apele Moldovei” Agency, State Hydrometeorological Service, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, local public authorities, CSOs
Focus Area:Climate Change, Environment & Energy
Partners:Ministry of Environment, “Apele Moldovei” Agency, State Hydrometeorological Service 
Project Document:Hydro-infrastructure rehabilitation to mitigate vulnerability to climate-driven extreme events in the Republic of Moldova
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

Moldova is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, leading to droughts, late spring frosts, hail, floods, and other climate-related extreme weather events. These erratic weather patterns have already caused loss of life, property, and income.  

Climate projections suggest an increase in intense rainfall events in Moldova, which could result in damaging floods, especially in low-lying areas where most rural populations reside. The country has over 4,000 small and medium reservoirs and ponds, most of which were built during the Soviet era without considering climate change data. Additionally, many other dams were constructed without proper design or permits, further increasing potential risks.

The project is proposing a set of measures aimed at strengthening the country’s adaptation to climate-driven flood risk through a two-pronged approach. The first will build the essential national hydro-meteorological monitoring and early warning systems, including the institutional capacities to manage and operate them countrywide. The second one, will apply an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach to 5 key watersheds that will produce knowledge and institutional capacities for rehabilitation of high-risk hydrotechnical infrastructure, as well as increased participation by local stakeholders in water governance.


  • Strengthen the national and local technical, institutional and policy capacities for managing run-off from extreme climate-driven events to prevent flooding.

Expected results:

  • Increased capacities of the national and local authorities to respond effectively to extreme water-related events;
  • Strengthened hydro-meteorological monitoring network for effective river basin management;
  • Operational flash-flood/flood forecasting and early warning system;
  • Enhanced security of the vulnerable rural population in key watersheds from potential failure of flood control infrastructure;
  • Developed methodology, protocol and standards for safe operation of hydro-technical infrastructure;
  • Rehabilitated high risk dams for 5 pilot sites;
  • Enhanced capacity of the local authorities and empowered community stakeholders to participate actively in governance of integrated water resources management for flood control;
  • Established and put in place at local level a flood risk and water resources planning, and management instruments.  