One UN Joint Action "Cross-river support for Human Rights" (Phase 4)

Duration:2023 – 2025
Budget:US$2,500,000 ($508,743 managed by UNDP)
Coverage:Both banks of the Nistru River, with a particular focus on the left bank
Beneficiaries:Right-holders and duty bearers on both banks of the Nistru River, with focus on the left bank
Focus Area:Effective Governance, Justice & Human Rights
Partners:Bureau for Reintegration Policies, Ministry of Justice, Ombudsperson’s Office, specialised CSOs from both bank of the Nistru River etc.
Project Document:One UN Joint Action "Cross-river support for Human Rights" (phase 4)
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

The human rights context on the left bank of Nistru is illustrated by the amplitude and interplay of multiple forms of inequalities. The ability of vulnerable groups from the region to effectively exercise their rights is impaired by the human rights knowledge, capacity and authority gaps they face. The civil society environment with weak capacities to influence the policy-making and to reach out to the most vulnerable ones and low human rights awareness of the CSOs, professionals and the population at large are hindering the realisation of human rights in the region. Undeveloped and gender-blind specialised service provision, deriving from human and economic resources capacity gaps, the missing link between the CSOs and de facto structures and the absence of a comprehensive human rights framework are representing additional major contributing factors to this debilitating juncture.

The programme will work on reducing inequalities for women and men, youth and children on the left bank of Nistru, by ensuring that vulnerable right-holders are empowered to exercise their human rights and human rights defenders are able to claim and advocate for human rights.

The current programme builds on the results of the previous phase of the One UN Joint Action, finalized in June 2022 and will consolidate and expand the results achieved in the area of awareness raising and development of social community-based services.

The current phase of the One UN Joint Action "Cross-river support for Human Rights" is implemented by seven UN entities: IOM, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA and UNODC.


The programme intends to foster commitment for human rights-oriented reforms in general and particularly in the area of disability, child’s and youth rights, Roma, rights of people living with and affected by HIV, rights of prisoners, and people in prisons, vulnerable women and rights of people who use drugs, facilitating the establishment of multidimensional cooperation, cross-river knowledge exchange and development based on best practices existing on both banks.

Expected results:

  • Increased capacities of vulnerable right-holders to exercise their human rights and human rights defenders to claim and advocate for human rights;
  • Improved systems and mechanisms for the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights of vulnerable groups;
  • Enhanced human rights culture on the left bank of Nistru - enhanced human rights capacity of the media and raised human rights awareness.


  • The institutional capacities of the Sustainable (Community) Development Platform was strengthened by facilitating the activity of its Secretariat and Thematic Working Groups, as well as by organising the coordination meetings for its members;
  • Over 60 participants, including representatives of CSOs from both banks of the Nistru River, UN agencies and programmes and Swedish Embassy, have raised their awareness on existing and piloted social services on the left bank of Nistru, as well as the experience of the right bank in implementing “Personal Assistant” and “Roma Community Mediator” social services.