UNDP supports Mongolia to advance human rights and gender equality in law enforcement

December 19, 2023
UNDP Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, 19 December 2023 – Today, the "Advancing Human Rights and Gender Equality in Law Enforcement in Mongolia (ADVANCE)" project, funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the United States and jointly implemented by Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs and UNDP, commenced at the University of Internal Affairs with key local and international partners. 

The project, which will be implemented from 2023-2025, is focusing on two main areas: aligning the policies, rules, and practices of law enforcement agencies with internationally recognized human rights standards and enhancing the human rights knowledge and practices of law enforcement cadets and officers through a strengthened University of Internal Affairs, a vital institution that prepares and trains future law enforcement professionals. 

Ms. Solongoo Bayarsaikhan, Deputy Minister of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia, emphasized the importance of active and effective collaboration of the partners for implementing the project and stated, “Our long-term development policy document "Vision 2050", emphasizes the importance of building a society that respects human rights and human development. In line with it, today, we are pleased to officially launch this project to improve human rights and gender equality in law enforcement” during her opening remarks.  

UNDP Mongolia

ADVANCE project is a continuation of UNDP's ongoing efforts to support Mongolia in championing human rights and gender equality for decades. Some notable past initiatives include strengthening of the institutional capacity of Mongolia’s Human Rights Commission and establishing of the Center for Legal Aid, a key medium for providing justice and legal support for all.  

Mr. Joel Ortez, Regional Security Officer and Law Enforcement Attaché of the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia, stated, "Law enforcement cooperation and the defense of democratic principles and human rights by strengthening the rule of law are priority of our two nations' strategic partnership. This endeavor is an illustration of the U.S. government's increased efforts in this area."  

Ms. Lin Cao, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Mongolia, emphasized the importance of the project and stated “The advancement of human rights and gender equality within law enforcement serves as the bedrock for ensuring fair and just treatment, fostering trust between communities and law enforcement agencies, and promoting diversity and inclusivity, thereby leading to more informed actions” during her opening remarks.  


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UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet.  

For further inquiries: 

Erdenesukh Otgonbayar | Communications Analyst | UNDP in Mongolia | erdenesukh.otgonbayar@undp.org  

UNDP Mongolia