UNDP in Namibia
Legal Framework
What is a Standard Basic Framework Agreement?
This Agreement embodies the basic conditions under which the UNDP and its Executing Agencies shall assist the Government in carrying out its development projects, and under which such UNDP-assisted projects shall be executed.
Accountability is the obligation to (i) demonstrate that work has been conducted in accordance with agreed rules and standards and (ii) report fairly and accurately on performance results vis-à-vis mandated roles and/or plans. (source: UNDP Accountability Framework (PDF)
UNDP is committed to independent and objective internal oversight to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations.
Audit & Investigations
The Office of Audit and Investigations conducts internal audits, related advisory services and investigation services. The office also has a unit dedicated to Social and Environmental Compliance.
The UNDP Ethics Office is an independent, confidential, impartial, and professional resource for all UNDP staff and personnel, everywhere. We promote an organizational culture that places the highest value on professionalism, integrity, accountability, transparency, results orientation, and mutual respect. Our mission is to assist UNDP staff and other personnel to perform to the highest standards of integrity required by the Charter of the United Nations.
The Independent Evaluation Office works to enhance development effectiveness by strengthening accountability and learning through evaluation and partnership.
UNDP has a long-standing commitment to transparency, with Country Offices publishing financial, procurement and programme information on respective websites on an annual basis.
Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures
The guiding framework of UNDP for planning, monitoring and evaluation is provided in the ‘Programme and Operations Policy and Procedure’ (POPP) , the evaluation policy , and the UNEG ‘Standards for Evaluation in the UN System’. The POPP and evaluation policy aim to provide guidance to UNDP management and staff on key functions and mechanisms through which the results and principles enshrined in the overarching programmatic documents of UNDP, including the strategic plan, are to be achieved. They reflect the intentions of the Executive Board and also inform UNDP stakeholders of how UNDP conducts its work. More about the POPPP>>
Copy Rights -Terms and Conditions
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) name and emblem are the exclusive property of UNDP. They are protected under international law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. They may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of UNDP.
Standard Basic Agreement (SBAA) - UNDP in Namibia (1990)
Country Programme Document (CPD) 2019-2023.