The UNDP Namibia Accelerator Lab, also referred to as #AccLabNam is one of 60 UNDP labs worldwide. The Namibia lab focuses on strengthening and fast-tracking Climate Change adaptation through locally & regionally sourced #innovative interventions and knowledge. The Accelerator Labs are UNDP’s new way of working in development. Together with our core partners, the State of Qatar and the Federal Republic of Germany, 60 labs serving 78 countries will work together with national and global partners to find radically new approaches that fit the complexity of current development challenges.
Introducing the Head of #Exploration, Mr Obert Mutabani. Obert Mutabani is a trained statistician from UNAM and NUST. He also completed management training with Stellenbosch University. He is also trained in M&E from AMREF, Kenya and Tanzania. He worked for UNDP, UNWFP, OPM-GRN, MoHSS-GRN. He is a father and Husband.
Head of Exploration, Mr Obert Mutabani
Introducing the Head of Solutions Mapping, Ms. Omagano Kankondi. Her role is to find local solutions that have emerged not just from hackathons in the capital, but also from people’s ingenuity in remote regions of the country.
Head of Solutions Mapping, Ms. Omagano Kankondi
Introducing the Head of #Experimentation, Dr. Yrika Maritz. She develops and matures portfolios of tests to rapidly learn about what works, and what doesn’t in addressing complex, fast-moving social and #environmental issues.
Head of Experimentation, Dr. Yrika Maritz
The labs will transform our collective approach by introducing new services, backed by evidence and practice, and by accelerating the testing and dissemination of solutions within and across countries. Sense-making, collective intelligence, solutions mapping, and experimentation will be part of the new offer from UNDP to governments.
Click the link below to learn more about the labs