Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradip Kumar Gyawali emphasized on the necessity of investment and technology than ample of development assistance for landlocked countries.
On the sidelines of 74th United Nations General Assembly, Minister addressed the annual Ministerial Meeting of the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) held on 25 September, where he stated that the infrastructure gap in LLDCs compared to other countries is the highest. In this regard, the Minister highlighted the need of building connectivity, including through durable and effective partnership between and among LLDCs and their transit and development partners. The Meeting was attended by foreign ministers and other high-level representatives of LLDCs and transit as well as development partners and UN system entities.
Also on the day, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali attended the inaugural session of the Climate Action Summit organised by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in New York. Minister of Forests and Environment Shakti Bahadur Basnet and other members of the delegation also attended the Summit.
During the Summit, leaders and climate change activists from around the world highlighted the pressing need to accelerate climate action. They cautioned that this issue needed to be taken urgently as the gap between what we should do and what we are doing to combat climate change now widens even further.
Later in the evening yesterday, the Minister Gyawali participated in a ‘High-level Dialogue on Peace Operations: Enhancing Partnerships between the UN and International, Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations’ organized by the International Peace Institute (IPI) and expressed Nepal’s commitment to continued participation at UN peace operations with a view to further contributing towards global peace and stability.