10 Solutions to Meet the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific
10 Solutions to Meet the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific
June 6, 2017
This publication shows how change works. It showcases ten projects that are transforming the course of development in the Asia-Pacific region, and describes large-scale projects in ten countries in the region – Bangladesh, China, India, Iran, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Solomon Islands and Timor Leste – that have demonstrably accelerated progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The interventions profiled here demonstrate how much can happen when commitment is sustained, and when governments, private sector, civil society and UNDP work together. Innovation, delivering at large-scale, and partnership are key elements of the successful projects in the publication. These stories of change document how we can design projects that help us realize the 2030 Agenda promises, particularly leaving no one behind.
A PDF version of the document can be downloaded form the link on the top right corner of this page.