Climate change and environment
To help Nigeria find solutions, UNDP works closely with several government agencies, municipalities, private sector partners and NGOs, to integrate environmental and sustainable development principles into national and regional development policies and plans.
UNDP Nigeria not only promotes mainstreaming environment, climate change and energy efficiency into sectoral policies, but also supports strengthening the institutional and policy capacities.
In Depth
Climate change, air and water pollution, soil erosion, land and forest degradation and loss of biodiversity are areas of global concern. In Nigeria, as elsewhere, these environmental problems hinder efforts to achieve sustainable development.
The Climate Change and Environment Portfolio aims to ensure the voice and participation of all stakeholders on environmental issues and enable the valuation and sharing of the benefits of ecosystem services.
It focuses on strengthening the “capacity to prevent and respond” to environmental degradation, particularly in relation to biodiversity, forest management and chemical waste prevention and management.nClimate change adaption and mitigation action across sectors and initiatives to strengthen systems, tools for risk-centered and integrated disaster management and increasing the resilience of society are implemented taking account of differentiated gender impacts.
At the heart of our work on Climate Change and Environment Portfolio, there are two pillars:
- Natural Resource Management
- Climate Change and Disaster Resilience