The building completely covered with solar panels
Climate change is bringing changes to the energy policies of many nations. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from traditional energy production, the transition to solar and wind energy is one of the most effective solutions, as well as one of the priority areas in the framework of green economy. The availability of resources such as coal and oil should not become a reason for lagging behind global environmental trends. Therefore, our country is actively developing the renewable energy sector, taking into account the best global practices.
As you know, in the 21st century, the so-called post-industrial economy dominates, suggesting highly intelligent technologies and innovations in all sectors of human activity. Today, renewable energy technologies are among the fastest growing in the world. On the world map of alternative energy, the experience of one of the most advanced states of the European Union, Denmark, is particularly notable.
Denmark holds a leading position in the field of green energy. According to the results of 2018 the share of wind generation only within the balance of electric energy production was 44%, and the total share of renewable energy including solar and biogas power plants was 63%. Furthermore, Denmark is in the top 5 countries in the world which uses solar collectors for central heating.
The United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan, within the framework of its project “Derisking Renewable Energy Investments” funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), set a goal to learn in detail the Danish experience on development and application of technologies so that the acquired knowledge are later included into the agenda for the national renewable energy sector development. To reach that goal the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan has arranged a study tour to Denmark from November 18 to 22, 2019, with its program focused both on the integration of renewable energy sources into the national network and on the decentralized use of renewable energy sources. The delegation from Kazakhstan consisted of people who are professionally aware of the current situation in the development of the renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan – it included representatives of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC FRP Damu, JSC KEGOK, Kazakhstan Association of Solar Energy, Municipality of Turkestan region, and the private sector. The tour program included meetings with representatives of the Danish Energy Agency, the Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate of Denmark, with representatives of the Danish Industry - a company representing the interests of the Danish producers and suppliers of renewable energy technologies, etc., as well as visits to renewable energy facilities.
Four intense days, including site visits and networking, are expected to bring positive momentum to the ongoing process of improving national legislation and the investment environment of the renewables. The delegation visited the Danish Industry Confederation to learn more about the innovative Danish solutions in the renewable energy. The meeting took place during the presentation of specific energy projects in Kazakhstan funded by GEF, which will help solve the problem of sustainable distribution of renewable energy.
Also, during the tour, a visit was made to the famous island of Samso - an almost completely green island, on which currently green electricity production makes up 140% of the island’s total demand, and excess electricity is transferred to the Danish national grid.
The municipality and the inhabitants of the island set themselves the ambitious task of becoming a completely green island and completely abandon fossil fuels even in the transport sector by 2030. At the same time, it must be emphasized that a large share of renewable energy sources in the country's energy balance represent certain challenges for Danish power engineers. The Kazakhstan delegation was interested to learn the country's experience not only from the technical side - balancing, regulation, scheduling, but also the development of the electricity market as a whole.
Kazakhstan has a vast territory, as well as a low population density in rural areas - all this entails the need for the development of additional power lines. Thus, Kazakhstan needs small and large-scale projects of wind and solar energy, as well as bioenergy systems, in order to provide the country and rural population with electricity in the future.
Kazakhstan is a leader in Central Asia in attracting foreign direct investment. The young population of the country is well educated, and the economy is stable politically, socially and economically. The country is adopting unprecedented system – wide reforms to improve its business environment. The result was the fact that Kazakhstan became one of the 30 leading countries in the framework of the “Ease of Doing Business” of the World Bank. With the support of international and recognized organizations such as the IMF, WTO and EBRD, Kazakhstan is ready to move forward.
A recent study of the experience and renewable energy technologies used in Denmark will allow us to rethink the development processes of not only the renewable energy sector, but also the further general development of the entire energy sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Dinara Tamabayeva