Strengthening Supportive Environment and Scaling up Prevention, Treatment and Care to reduce the burden of HIV and TB in the Republic of Tajikistan
What is the project about: UNDP Tajikistan as Principal Recipient of the GF grant works closely with people who inject drugs, men having sex with men, sex workers and their partners/clients, prisoners and people living with HIV, TB patients by providing HIV/TB prevention and treatment, including women in prisons, sex workers and women drug users. UNDP continues advocating for the rights of its key population, has built the capacity of government partners as well as civil society organizations to provide quality HIV/TB prevention and treatment services to its key population.
Status: Active
Duration: 01.01.2021-31.12.2023
Budget: US$ 25,044,957 (UNDP TRAC US$ 826,000 )
Coverage: Nationwide
Beneficiaries: People who inject drugs, men having sex with men, sex workers and their partners/clients, prisoners and people living with HIV, TB patients
Focus Area: HIV/TB prevention and treatment among its key population.
Partners: Government, CSOs/ NGOs
Project Document: Grant Agreement and approved PRODOC PENDING SIGNATURE