UNDP in Tajikistan
About us
What we do
UNDP's Country Office in Tajikistan, active since 1994, plays a crucial role in supporting the country’s national development strategy for poverty alleviation. The organization is guided in its work by the Country Programme Document, which in turn builds upon the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP has made a significant contribution to developing the National Development Strategy with an outline of policies and investments necessary to reach the SDGs on time by 2030.
The priorities of UNDP mission in Tajikistan are addressed through numerous projects implemented in partnership with national counterparts, key donors, UN agencies and other international organizations. Our main location is in Dushanbe, with area offices based in five: Shaartuz, Kulyab, Ayni, Gharm and Khujand.
Our goals
UNDP’s ultimate goal in the country is to improve the living standards of the people, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable, and to ensure a future that offers equality, dignity and opportunity for all.
Together with the Government of Tajikistan, civil society and the people of Tajikistan, UNDP works towards identifying local solutions to global and national development challenges. Our main focus is reaching sustainable development by enhancing accountability of the current governance system, mitigating natural disaster threats, contributing to environmental sustainability and reducing the burden of HIV/AIDS on the population.
Our achievements
Poverty Reduction:
UNDP has provided critical advisory support to the Government over the years, feeding into a detailed policy dialogue as part of the overarching process of development planning. Furthermore, UNDP was able to integrate poverty-environment linkages into the planning process.
The mid-term review of the National Development Strategy showed that the documents is well aligned with the goal to reach SDG’s by 2030. According to the National Report to be published in 2018, Tajikistan is listed among the top ten countries with the highest poverty decrease rate in the past 15 years - poverty has gone down from 81% in 1999 to 29.7% in 2017.
Health Program:
UNDP’s Malaria project was one of the most successful projects implemented in Tajikistan, having eliminated cases of the deceases in the country completely. As of 2014, there have been no new cases of malaria registered in Tajikistan.
Currently, UNDP is focusing on fighting against HIV/AIDS and stigmatization of the decease. According to Tajikistan’s Health Ministry, the effective implementation of a comprehensive prevention programme in the country, the HIV epidemic is kept in a concentrated stage. As of July 2018, 86.6% HIV-positive people on care are on ARV therapy.
Democratic Governance:
The Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights cluster mainly focuses on security sector (border management, prevention of violent extremism), legal aid, civil registration and health reforms.
IN 2017, state-run Legal Aid Centers provided 63% of all legal aid services. Legal aid covered 6,245 people, including 3,798 women and 339 persons with disabilities cumulatively reaching 33,571 people since 2013. Building on the feasibility studies, and comprehensive legislative review, draft amendments to the laws regulating civil registration were submitted.
Legal environment assessment was conducted on HIV prevention, treatment and care among key populations. Guidelines were developed for law enforcement agencies to increase their knowledge on the rights of People Living with HIV and for lawyers on "Protecting the Rights of People Living with HIV and Key Populations". The behavioral change communication reached 4,728 people, including 1,528 women during the first half of 2017.
Reconstruction of two cross-border markets and three Border Crossing Points on the Afghan-Tajik border was completed. Training on Integrated Border Management covered 597 Border and Customs officers, including 45 female.