Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region
Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region
February 14, 2019
Do you know how the Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for Aral Sea will function? Are you interested in joining the Aral Sea Fund? This infographic describes its advantages, funding scheme and governance structure.
The Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region is an innovative-pooled financing mechanism developed for solution of multifaceted, complex social, economic, environmental, humanitarian and other problems in a holistic approach.
It is expected that the established Aral Sea Fund will significantly improve the effectiveness of efforts undertaken to improve the livelihoods of local people, improve infrastructure, create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and the private sector, and contribute to the socio-economic and environmental development of the Aral Sea region. The Sea is Gone, People are Not.
Let’s joint efforts!
*developed within the UN Joint Programme “Building the Resilience of Communities Affected by the Aral Sea Disaster through a Multi-Partner Human Security Fund for the Aral Sea”