Tsunami - India Two Years After
Tsunami - India Two Years After
January 21, 2012
The report reflects on the progress and contributions made by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations team over a period of two years to support the Indian governments’ efforts in tsunami relief and recovery.
This report - “Tsunami, India – Two Years After”, is a joint initiative by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations, to critically reflect on the pace and extent of progress in Tsunami recovery efforts in India over the last two years. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the achievements, constraints and lessons learnt in relief, reconstruction and recovery efforts since the Tsunami struck in December 2004. The report is written not only for all those who are interested in the support that multilateral agencies provided to Tsunami recovery in India, but also for our donors, partners and all stakeholders involved.
The first section of this report recalls the disaster and the social and economic impacts it effected on the lives of those living along the southern coasts of India as well as on those living in the Andaman and Nicobar islands. This is followed by a brief introduction to the relief and recovery efforts undertaken in India – which are led by the Government and supported by multi-lateral organisations. Next, there is a sketch of the frameworks that underpin the recovery efforts of each of the multilateral agencies covering this report, explaining their respective approaches, intended outcomes, guiding principles and financial contributions.
There are immense challenges to ensure the sustainability of programmes for each multi-lateral agency involved, especially given the enormity of the tasks at hand. This is also true for all UN agencies involved - namely UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, ILO, FAO, UNFPA and UNESCO - which are operating in a joint programme for Tsunami recovery in India, as one (inter-agency) administrative unit. A brief description follows to provide a glimpse into the coordination mechanisms in place, as well as the principles and instruments that guide the agencies’ work.
The second, and main section of the report, is devoted to making a critical two year appraisal of progress made across each of the sectors that the UN, World Bank and the Asian Development Bank are working in. Much of this section is based on an inter-sectoral mid-term review exercise led by the Government of Tamil Nadu in August and September of 2006, supported by all multilateral organisations. However, much is also built up from a collation of data from each agency’s specific experiences in the field. Each sub-section aims to provide a snapshot view of the achievements, constraints and lessons learnt in each of the sectors in which multilateral agencies have been active – Shelter and Water and Sanitation, Infrastructure, Health and Nutrition, Psychosocial Care, HIV/AIDS and Trafficking, Child Protection, Education, Livelihood, Environment, Disaster Risk Management and Information and Communication Technology.
The report closes with an overview of recommendations culled from various studies, analyses and mid-term review exercises. It is hoped that these recommendations will inform and outline rehabilitation efforts in the next phase of Tsunami recovery.