Development of Ecosystem based Sediment Control Techniques and Design of Siltation Dam to Protect Phewa Lake [Summary]
Development of Ecosystem based Sediment Control Techniques and Design of Siltation Dam to Protect Phewa Lake [Summary]
July 15, 2016
Development of Ecosystem based Sediment Control Techniques and Design of Siltation Dam to Protect Phewa Lake (Summary Report)
The Phewa Lake in Kaski district of Nepal has been experiencing growing threats from both climatic and non–climatic factors leading to shrinkage of lake area and poor quality of water. Numerous studies have identified siltation as a major threat to the Lake Ecosystem and services, including shrinking of the lake by more than 50% over the last five decades. There is an increasing trend of ‘new island formation’ around Phewa Lake due to siltation.
UNDP Nepal has, in partnership with government line agencies and relevant stakeholders, supported the building of an understanding about the siltation problem and creating a broader consensus towards addressing this. In this regard, the EbA Project collaborated with the Western Regional Forest Directorate (WRFD) Office to carry out a comprehensive study to determine the overall trend of siltation in the area and propose necessary recommendations to address them.
The report highlights the findings of the study: the issues related to siltation in Phewa Lake based on historical records and present day observations, and recommendations to address them. Since the study engaged the stakeholders from the beginning, the issues and recommendations captured in the report are locally owned.