Dial 1294: UNDP and People in Need expand early warning phone service in Cambodia

July 9, 2019

EWS1294 is a free voice-based mobile phone service developed by NGO People in Need in Cambodia. Since January 2017, over 170,000 warning messaged were issued by EWS1294 during 16 different events, reaching over 32,000 households. © PIN

Phnom Penh, 7 July 2019 – Under a project strengthening climate information and early warning systems in Cambodia(link is external), the UN Development Programme and NGO People in Need are collaborating again, this time to expand early warning service EWS1294 and to scale up awareness and capacity at national and local levels.

Named after the government-supported mobile short code ‘1294’, EWS1294(link is external) is a free mobile phone service developed by NGO People in Need(link is external) in Cambodia following severe flooding in 2013. Currently 15 of the country’s 25 provinces are covered by the service. Now, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),(link is external) People in Need will extend the service to another three provinces, bringing the number of covered provinces to 18 and several steps closer to the goal of nationwide coverage by 2020.

“In 2018, UNDP and PIN worked together to install water-level stations and engage with communities in the flood-prone coastal provinces of Koh Kong and Sihanoukville(link is external),” said UNDP Early Warning Systems Project Manager Muhibuddin Usamah(link is external). “We are happy to launch this new partnership which focuses on Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Prey Veng, provinces we know are subject to flooding.”

EWS1294 is a practical means for Cambodians to receive early warning messages. According to a 2016 study,(link is external) more than 96% of Cambodians report owning a phone, and more than 99% are reachable through some sort of phone.

Members of the public register by simply dialing 1294 and entering their location. In the event of an emergency, such as a flood or storm, users in the affected area receive an audio message from the National Committee for Disaster Management(link is external), warning them of the risks and steps to take to protect themselves, whether it be evacuation to the nearest safe site, staying indoors or securing their livestock. Since being piloted in 2013, EWS1294 has been integrated into the National Committee for Disaster Management(link is external)’s disaster management strategy.

In addition to expanding and promoting EWS1294, PIN and UNDP are installing ten new river water gauges – developed by PIN’s innovation team – in Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Prey Veng.

Data from the readings is housed online at the EWS1294 website. When the threshold value for an extreme event is registered, the National Committee for Disaster Management is informed and on verification of the information, voice messages are issued to EWS1294 registrants in the affected area.

Training is being rolled out to provincial and commune authorities on hazards and the functionality of EWS1294, said Mr. Federico Barreras from PIN Cambodia.

“Everyone is a key player when it comes to disaster management, from the national level to the province to the district to the commune” said Project Manager Muhibuddin Usamah. “With the government committed to reducing the impact of disasters – expected to increase with climate change – we have the momentum, together, to scale-up risk reduction at all levels and ultimately, to save lives.”

In an effort to enhance collaboration and data-sharing related to early warning, and to promote EWS1294 as a means to reach communities, a national workshop will be convened by UNDP, PIN and ActionAid before the end of the year, bringing together officials from the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology(link is external)Ministry of Rural Development(link is external), the National Committee for Disaster Management(link is external) as well as NGOs.

The Royal Government of Cambodia is committed to resilient communities and reducing disaster risk, currently working towards a new Strategic National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (NAP-DRR) for 2019-2023(link is external), aligned with globally developed frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction(link is external) (SFDRR) 2015-2030; the Paris Agreement for Climate Change(link is external) and Sustainable Development Goals(link is external)


  • Unique subscribers with access to EWS1294 SMS service increased by over 35 percent, from 74,000 to 100,000 mobile phone users

  • Ten water gauges installed and operational in the provinces of Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Prey Veng, with training for Provincial Committees for Disaster Management to manage the gauges, including reading the measurements and fixing any issues that arise.  

  • Training for communities, linked to the provincial and district-level disaster management system.

  • Ten new Village Disaster Management Groups established in most at-risk villages, with support for conducting hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessments

  • Up to ten at-risk villages with improved evacuation safe sites

  • Eight Commune Committees for Disaster Management trained in EWS1294 and hazard, risk and vulnerability mapping

  • A national workshop on early warning and data-sharing

  • Promotion of disaster risk reduction and EWS1294 through schools and radio advertising

    About the project ‘Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Cambodia’

  • With financing from the GEF-Least Developed Countries Fund, the UNDP-supported project ‘Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Cambodia(link is external)’ aims to increase Cambodia’s institutional capacity to assimilate and forecast weather, hydrological, and climate information for adaptation, disaster preparedness, and early warning.
  • About People in Need
  • People in Need (PIN)(link is external) – a global non-government, non-profit organisation established in 1992 in the Czech Republic – has been working in Cambodia since 2008 providing development and emergency assistance in both rural and urban areas, with one area of focus in disaster management and disaster risk reduction.

Students at Pea Rang high school, Prey Veng © PIN Cambodia

Cambodia remains one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to the impact of natural disasters, with floods posing the greatest risk to lives, crops and infrastructure © People in Need Cambodia