National assembly entry sculptures and Serbian flag

UNDP in Serbia


Legal framework

Standard Basic Framework Agreement (SBFA) is the legal agreement between the host Government and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) outlining general conditions for UNDP cooperation under which all UNDP programme activities are carried out. The agreement applicable to UNDP activities in Serbia was initially signed by the Government (Federal Executive Council) of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in 1988. The Government of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), as the legal successor state of SFRY reaffirmed the validity and applicability of this Agreement in 1992. Equally, legal successor states of FRY, namely State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and the Republic of Serbia have also reaffirmed the validity and applicability of the SBFA originally signed in 1988. 

Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework between United Nations and the Republic of Serbia 2021-2025 seeks to answer questions about the role to be played by the United Nations (UN) system and its agencies, funds and programmes in helping shape the future of Serbia. UNDAF also serves to ensure that the UN system development cooperation has greater long-term impact. 

Country Programme Document (CPD): Dialogue with the government of Serbia resulted in the CPD for the programme cycle 2021-2025. The CPD is prepared by the Government in consultation with the UNDP Country Office in Serbia. This document identifies key goals and opportunities for UNDP support to national programmes and priorities, consistent with the development goals endorsed by the Executive Board of UNDP. The CPD is submitted to and approved by UNDP's Executive Board. Evaluation of the UNPD support under the previous CPD (2016-2020) can be found here(link is external).

The UNDP Strategic Plan 2022-2025 describes how UNDP intends to work together with our partners to deliver what’s required of us in these extraordinary times.




Legal Document



Standard Basic Framework Agreement (SBFA)



Country Programme Document (CPD) 2021-2025



UNDP Strategic Plan 2022-2025



Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework between UN and the Republic of Serbia 2021-2025(link is external)