Gender Equality

UNDP in Serbia is committed to advancing gender equality, reducing discrimination and eliminating violence against women. 

Through our initiatives, we support the development of policies that contribute to reducing inequality and strengthen the capacities of institutions to effectively implement them. We empower women's groups and create an environment that brings about positive changes for women and men affected by harmful social norms and practices.

Gender equality is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and is one of the fundamental human rights principles. The Law on Gender Equality (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 52/2021) and Gender Equality Strategy for 2021-20(link is external)30 establish policies and measures to advance gender equality, combat discrimination and prevent gender-based violence. Domestic violence and sex-based discrimination are prohibited. The Republic of Serbia has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW(link is external)) and the Istanbul Convention(link is external).  

Even though the normative framework recognizes, regulates, and promotes equality, structural inequalities persist, including in the fields of labor, economic independence, education, time-use, participation in decision-making and health. Furthermore, multiple discrimination, as well as gender-based violence represent major obstacles to faster progress towards full gender equality.

Share of seats held by women in Parliament


Global Gender Gap Index


Labor force activity rate for women


Enterprises owned by women


Gender-pay gap


UNDP’s support to Gender Equality in Serbia

At the heart of UNDP's mission lies a strong commitment to advancing gender equality and creating a more just and equitable world. 

The corporate Gender Equality Strategy for the period 2022-2025 serves as a guiding framework to address the root causes of discrimination within economic, social, and political systems and aligns our core mission of eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities, promoting inclusivity, and empowering women. 

Global priorities for achieving gender equality have been localized through UNDP Serbia’s own Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2026, aligned with the context of the Republic of Serbia and efforts of core partners in the country.

UNDP Serbia is committed to empowering women and men to benefit equally from emerging technologies, societal advancement, and overall well-being, through interventions across all strategic priorities, which include: 

  • assisting national institutions in developing gender-responsive and evidence-based policies that comply with international standards,

  • capacitating institutions to implement commitments and obligations derived from their legal and strategical framework, including support in the development of by-laws, piloting new practices before they become mandatory, training of professionals and in-field consultative support,

  • encouraging women’s participation, through support to women’s groups, their active involvement in project activities, promotion of gender equality in challenge calls for innovative solutions and through support to women’s political participation.

  • advocating for gender equality objectives across all portfolios, using comprehensive key messages centered on gender equality and women's empowerment, communicated via a variety of channels. 

  • continuously improving CO capacities to achieve gender equality within the organization, as well as through its interventions.

Zero tolerance for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse & Sexual Harassment

All forms of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable and are prohibited in UNDP, whether perpetrated against a beneficiary or a co-worker. Staff and related personnel, whether internationally or locally recruited, who engage in such misconduct can be swiftly dismissed. 

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