Ethiopia -Scoping Study

Ethiopia -Scoping Study

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Ethiopia -Scoping Study

November 29, 2016

This study was made possible through funding from Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) project, which is financed by the European Commission.

The objective of this study is to assess the extent to which Ethiopia has adopted integrated approaches in its development planning process and transitions to more inclusive, greener economies; and, identify the remaining gaps, the key challenges, bottlenecks and constraints faced towards integration and the reasons for these
challenges in order to strengthen and deepen knowledge on integrated development
approaches for development programming by the Government, as well as other development partners.

This study is part of a global initiative by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which is undertaken in ten countries, in order to strengthen and deepen knowledge on integrated development approaches. The other nine countries are:
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Vietnam, Paraguay, Peru, Kenya, and Rwanda. The ten studies will be synthesized into a global report on good practices. It follows a template provided by UNDP in order that a comparison can be made
across countries.