Saint Lucia Climate Change KAP


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Saint Lucia Climate Change KAP

December 23, 2016

The 2016 KAP/B study targeted a representative cross section of the Saint Lucian population through a general household questionnaire survey, focus groups targeting (1) decision makers from the commercial sector, (2) the building and construction sector, (3) secondary school students and questionnaire-led interviews with farmers from each of Saint Lucia’s eight agricultural districts.

The results and analysis of this 2016 KAP/B survey supported the need for increased public education and awareness activities as a critical measure to tackle the impact of climate change. Respondents in both the 2011 and 2016 studies articulated the need for continued education on the subject matter. Although 92% in the 2016 study were aware of the term “climate change”, respondents generally articulated the need for increased public education and awareness. Overall, 91.2% of respondents were interested in more information on climate change.