The Spotlight Initiative is a global, multi-year partnership between the European Union (EU) and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls by 2030. Launched in 2017 with €500 million from the EU, it represents a global effort to invest in gender equality and women’s empowerment as a precondition and driver for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The aim is to demonstrate that a significant, concerted and comprehensive investment in gender equality and ending violence can make a transformative difference in the lives of women and girls.

In Trinidad and Tobago, despite growing momentum to end all forms of violence against women, with domestic violence legislation and a specialised domestic violence unit in the police service - levels of family violence remain high, reflecting continuing gender inequality, harmful gender norms and stereotypes. The overall goal of the Spotlight Initiative in Trinidad and Tobago therefore is to reduce family violence and  ensure integrated, quality and accessible services and robust prevention approaches.

Within a multi-UN agency approach, the UNDP’s focus includes support for the adoption and implementation of the national strategic plan on gender-based and sexual violence; improved policing and administration of justice - including accountability oversight systems; the incorporation of family violence prevention strategies and responses in Local Government programming; and mechanisms to improve case management and monitoring of first responder agencies. Also important is our capacity building with Civil Society Organizations working with underserved communities - including LGBTQI persons, women and girls with disabilities or those living in rural communities. We are working to help them better monitor and advocate for family violence prevention services and support and to influence law and policy developments.

Our aim is to advance gender equality and end indifference and impunity for gender-based violence against women and children.

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