GOV.UK Notify

GOV.UK Notify



Generic government messaging platform to allow governments to communicate with citizens.

Communication with citizens is an essential component of COVID-19 response and recovery. The GOV.UK Notify platform has sent out over 500 million messages to UK citizens since being setup a few years ago.




Today, nearly 500 organisations use it in more than 1,500 public services. In total, that's over 400 million updates, alerts, receipts and reminders sent a year – leading to millions of pounds in savings.

Use Cases

Organisations that use GOV.UK Notify range from government departments to county councils, NHS trusts to GP surgeries, and fire services to ambulance trusts. It is used in a huge variety of ways, including to alert people to flood warnings, remind soldiers of their medical appointments, update people on their passport applications or inform prison wardens of their rotas. 

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