Olena Ursu (Ukraine)
Programme Specialist, Democratic Governance (Team Leader) since April 2020
Olena has been working with UNDP Ukraine for over 15 years now. Throughout these years, she has coordinated projects and initiatives aimed at advancing the democratic policies and practices needed to accelerate progress on sustainable human development. These included support for enhancing the capacities of civil society organisations for participating in decision-making, advancing democratic reforms and promoting human rights; promoting openness, transparency and accountability of state bodies and local governments through open data, open budgets, and citizen-driven innovations for better public services. Prior to joining UNDP Ukraine, from 2001 to 2004, Olena worked with private consultancy firm Continent-Consulting Ltd, supporting consultancy projects for the local and regional authorities of Ukraine.
Olena holds a diploma in Finance from Ostroh Academy National University. She is married and has three children.
“My work at UNDP Ukraine has been driven by a strong passion to transform Ukraine into a country with effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, capable of providing quality public services and ensuring access to justice for all, ultimately leading to a decent quality of life.”
You can follow Olena on Twitter or contact via email olena.ursu@undp.org