The impact of COVID-19 on progress towards achieving the SDGs
The impact of COVID-19 on progress towards achieving the SDGs
June 19, 2022
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are twofold: the consequences of the virus itself and those of the measures that were set up to control and mitigate its spread. The morbidity and mortality resulting from the disease directly affect humans’ capabilities and cevelopment, while measures put in place to control and mitigate the disease hinder both economic productivity and education and increase vulnerabilities. Together, these impacts have reversed progress towards attaining the SDGs in the Arab region, including further exacerbating inequalities in the region. This assessment has focused on SDG 1 (“No poverty”), SDG 2 (“Zero hunger”), SDG 3 (“Good health and well-being”), SDG 4 (“Quality education”), and SDG 8 (“Decent work and economic growth”). SDG 10 (“Reduced inequality”) is highlighted within the other sections as a crosscutting goal.