The Anti-Corruption Action Plan and the Code of Conduct and Ethics were presented to the Members of the Parliament
November 20, 2015
The Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova and the Code of Conduct and Ethics for the MPs were presented on 20 November 2015. These two documents were developed with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as part of the "Improving the Quality of Moldovan Democracy through Parliamentary and Electoral Support" project, financed by Sweden.
The UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Dafina Gercheva, expressed her hope that the presented recommendations will be considered by the Members of Parliament: “Corruption undermines human development and democracy. It strikes at the heart of democracy by corroding rule of law, democratic institutions and public trust in leaders. For the poor, women and minorities, corruption means even less access to jobs, justice or any fair and equal opportunity”.
The Deputy Director of the National Anticorruption Centre, Cristina Tarna noted: “The presented documents represent a great value for the new national Anticorruption Strategy, currently under elaboration. We strongly appreciate UNDP as a credible and traditional partner of the stakeholders engaged in the anticorruption efforts from both the public sector and the civil society”.
Arcadie Barbarosie of the Institute of Public Policies and Lilia Carasciuc of Transparency International, on their turn, expressed their beliefs that the Parliament will approve both documents and will follow the recommendations in its everyday work. This would considerably strengthen the Parliament’s oversight function in particular with regard to the implementation of the laws, budget expenditures and in monitoring of the implementation of the Court of Accounts reports’ recommendations.
The Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova covers the period from November 2015 through December 2018. The Action Plan lists 60 initiatives deriving from the Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Report for the Parliament of Moldova. The document aims to provide practical guidance on specific initiatives which require action.
The Code of Conduct and Ethics for Members of the Parliament of Moldova intends to:
- ensure openness and responsibility of MPs to strengthen the confidence of the society in the Parliament;
- help MPs adopt conduct and ethics in line with agreed criteria;
- strengthen good governance in Moldova.
To achieve these goals the Code proposes a set of rules of conduct and sanctions and the establishment of the Office of Commissioner for Ethics.