General Prosecutor’s Office launched E-Case Informational System to better manage criminal files

July 16, 2015
General Prosecutor’s Office launched E-Case Informational System to better manage criminal files

General Prosecutor’s Office launched E-Case Informational System on 16 July 2015. The system allows the prosecutors to better manage criminal files and generate accurate statistics and reports through the automation of internal procedures and processes. E-Case was developed in the framework of the project ‘Support to Justice Sector Reform’, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The system unifies data received from different law enforcement agencies, which challenged the Office for long time. It covers all stages of criminal investigation conducted or supervised by the prosecutor.

This instrument will provide the prosecutors with access to real-time data, will reduce the delays in taking decisions related to the criminal case, as well as will ensure a more transparent decision making process within the prosecution service.

E-Case Informational System consists of 3 main modules:

  • Document Management – ensures the proper registration and circulation of incoming and outgoing documents, monitoring and notification features.
  • File Management – provides tools to create and effectively manage criminal files in e-format, including automated generation of case registration number, of procedural acts based on preconfigured templates, notification of prosecutors about the deadlines.
  • Statistics – generates default and customized reports, based on data processed in File Management Module.

“The system will centralize and integrate the registration, management and reporting functions replacing other instruments used by the Prosecutor’s Office, and will allow better handling of other types of data”, states Corneliu Gurin, General Prosecutor of the Republic of Moldova.

“In our continuous efforts to support justice sector reform in Moldova, we have moved from the policy development to effective implementation. This launch represents a showcase of our endeavour to transpose into real life sector strategic priorities.”, says Dafina Gercheva, UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative.

E-Case features ensure different levels of secured access to data. Only the prosecutor in charge has the permission to handle the case, which allows to monitor and track any change. The supervisors can only see the information, without editing permission. E-Case functionalities could be extended for the purpose of conducting performance evaluation of prosecutors and other criminal investigation bodies.

The software is a web-based solution, which allows remote connection from any device connected to Internet.  Also, the system is eco-friendly, by reducing the paper costs. At the next stage is foreseen to ensure the connection between E-Case and other e-tools used by the Ministry of Interior or judiciary system.

The development of the system (software and hardware components), in amount of apr. USD 122,000, was funded by the General Prosecutor’s Office. This activity was carried out in the framework of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy (2011-2016) implementation.