Parlamentul Republicii Moldova lansează Platforma Femeilor Deputate din legislatura a XI-a

[Closed] Strengthening the Parliament’s role in enhancing gender equality and addressing the needs of vulnerable groups in the Republic of Moldova

Duration:2022 – 2023
Beneficiaries:Women MPs
Focus Area:Effective Governance, Justice & Human Rights
Partners:Parliament of Moldova
Project Document:Strengthening the Parliament’s role in enhancing gender equality and addressing the needs of vulnerable groups in the Republic of Moldova
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

The project will provide support to the Women’s Caucus in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova for boosting its role in executing the legislative, oversight and representative functions of the institution with the focus on gender mainstreaming in law, policy and budgetary process through fostering dialogue with CSOs and grass roots organizations in line with the principle of leaving no one behind.

A particular focus will be paid to the enhancement of consultations processes of women MPs with CSOs working on women’s rights, rights of the child, youth’s and other vulnerable groups’. The project will enhance capacities of the Women's Caucus and women MPs enabling them to initiate and draft laws in a participatory and inclusive manner, to oversee the implementation of the legal provisions and to assess their impact, strengthening gender and human rights dimensions in the formal political processes.

The project will contribute to strengthening women MPs’ image as the role models for other women and adolescent girls to motivate them to engage in politics and decision-making. Assistance will be provided to women MPs in establishing and strengthening the mechanisms for collaboration with the civil society organizations and with men, women and youth constituencies for better addressing their needs through the decision-making and oversight process.


The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the role of the Women’s Caucus in ensuring that interests of both men and women are reflected in the legislation through an inclusive, participatory and gender responsive law making and oversight process by enhancing capacities of women MPs  for boosting their role in executing the functions of the institution with the focus on gender mainstreaming and challenging the social norms and stereotypes that affect the fulfillment of rights for all in particular women, children and  youth belonging to underrepresented groups in line with the SDGs principle to Leave No One Behind. The project will also contribute to strengthening women MPs’ image as the role models for other women and adolescent girls to motivate them to engage in politics and decision-making at central and local levels.

Expected results:

  • Women MPs have enhanced skills and expertise to effectively represent their constituents and to embrace feminist leadership for transformative changes;
  • Law-making and post-legislative scrutiny is carried out applying gender-based analysis principles and using sex-disaggregated data;
  • Advocacy networks between women MPs, elected women in the local level decision-making bodies and CSOs established and successfully promote legal acts ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in political, economic and social life;
  • Women MPs have increased knowledge and skills to promote and advocate gender-responsive policy initiatives on issues related to the empowerment and wellbeing of women and girls, excessive family/social care burden and dual (work/family) responsibilities for women and girls, masculine and feminine ideals and expectations, behaviour and social change communication that influences shifts in gender norms, family relations, active ageing, demography and sexual and reproductive health and rights;
  • Informal knowledge sharing networks established by the Women Caucus of the Parliament of Moldova with peers in the region.


  • Regulation of the Women Caucus was adopted, and the working bodies of the Caucus were established;
  • Facilitate and encourage communication between MPs from different parliamentary factions on issues of common interest;
  • Drafting and consultation on an amendment to Parliament's Regulation listing the Women Caucus as a working entity with permanent status;
  • Encouraging cooperation between the Women Caucus and the Women's Network of the Congress of Local Public Authorities from Moldova;
  • Forming working groups within the Women Caucus;
  • Conducting information and awareness-raising campaigns on certain sensitive topics: obstetric violence, economic violence, prevention of cervical cancer and HPV infections, fair pay, equal representation of locally elected women, combating violence and harassment in the workplace, the 16-day Activism against Gender Violence campaign;
  • Organising several public consultations on topics such as the National Programme to Prevent and Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, the Draft National Programme to Accelerate Gender Equality for 2023-2027 and the Concept of the National Programme to Prevent and Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence for 2023-2027.
YearsBudget  Delivery
2022$5,000$3,000$7,500 $15,500