UNDP staff picture


Compensation and benefits


While you’re taking care of building a fairer and more equitable world for everyone, we believe in taking care of you.

UNDP provides a wide range of benefits and policies to ensure a caring and enabling environment for our employees. Benefit packages will vary by location and contract, but the general package includes the following: 

Family policies and allowances
We believe family-friendly policies are essential for ensuring greater gender equity both in the workplace and at home and they make sure that employees can easily balance their personal and professional commitments. 

Family allowances  depend on the contract types under which UNDP personnel are employed. Staff members on fixed-term appointment or temporary appointment (regardless of gender or sex) can benefit from parental leave entitlements.

Further family allowances, including dependency for eligible spouse and/or child(ren) and education grants for children’s education, may be available. UNDP also offers support for the integration and employment of the spouses and partners of our staff, in addition to communities of support for the families of personnel being transitioned to new duty stations. 

Flexible working arrangements
We offer a set of flexible working arrangements, with the goal of increasing wellbeing and work-life balance, as well as to support staff through different life events and challenges. Available arrangements include part-time work, staggered working hours, telecommuting and compressed work schedules.

Leave entitlements
You will be entitled to 18 to 30 days of vacation per year, depending on the contract modality (fixed-term appointment or temporary appointment). Staff on Personnel Service Agreement contracts have different entitlements. In addition to annual leave, the United Nations has 10 UN holidays per year that differ from duty station to duty station.

Parental leave
Staff members of any gender or sex can benefit from parental leave entitlements, regardless of how they become parents. This includes mothers, fathers, parents via surrogacy or adoption, and primary and secondary caregivers.

Health and other insurance policies
UNDP offers a complete set of insurance policies to make sure you’re taken care of. Insurance coverage depends on contracts and location. 

Personnel on fixed-term appointment or temporary appointment with a contract of +6 consecutive months become participant in the United Nations Joint Pension Fund. More information can be found here. A compulsory contribution to the Fund is deducted from the monthly salary.
Relocation support and rental subsidy
International Professional staff may have their travel and shipping expenses covered when changing duty station. Support may be given to assist them with visa arrangements and initial extraordinary costs when arriving to a new location. They may also qualify for rental subsidy if they are recruited from a different duty station.

Hardship benefits
At emergency and high-risk duty stations, a hardship allowance linked to living and working conditions is paid to International Professional staff, and where there are restrictions on bringing family members, a non-family hardship allowance is also paid. International Professional staff may also receive hazard pay and a rest and recuperation break when serving in locations where the conditions are particularly hazardous, stressful and difficult. 

Tax exemption
Depending on your contract and location, you may be entitled to income tax exemption.  

Judi Sbat UNDP Syria

UNDP's Communications Specialist in Syria, Judi Sbat.

©UNDP Syria