Flood Risk Management

Integrated Climate-Resilient Transboundary



The Project assists the Drin River riparian states in the implementation of an integrated climate-resilient basin-wide flood risk management approach aiming to improve their capacities to manage flood risk at regional, national and local levels and to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate-induced floods.


  • Improved climate and risk-informed decision-making, availability and use of climate risk information
  • Improved institutional arrangements, legislative and policy framework for climate resilient FRM 
  • Strengthened community resilience through improved flood management

Major Achievements

  • Optimized hydrometeorological monitoring network design developed for each of the Drin River Basin (DRB) riparians following the relevant network and institutional assessments
  • Hydromet monitoring networks strengthened by procurement, installation and/or upgrade of 20 fully automated hydrological and 13 meteorological stations across the basin
  • Hi-res Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and topographic data sets acquired, a basin-wide hydrological model developed to simulate scenarios and calculate hydrographs for studies of the Areas of Potentially Significant Flood Risk (APSFRs)
  • Detailed hydraulic model developed for the Crni/Black Drim sub-basin in North Macedonia and targeted APSFRs in Albania, alongside a 1D model of the entire basin
  • Methodology and tools developed for vulnerability assessment and prioritization of communities at risk
  • A tailored GIS-based flood risk model developed, integrating various spatial socio-economic (s/e) data with the flood hazard maps, performing vulnerability assessment and producing vulnerability maps that include damage and lost assessments. S/e database for the communities at risk established
  • Tailor-made trainings on FRM delivered to practitioners, decision-makers and communities
  • Appraisal led the design of the (non)structural local flood protection measures undertaken across the prioritized communities
  • Structural risk reduction measures constructed/ underway in prioritized areas 
  • Community resilience strengthened through participatory design and implementation of non-structural measures
  • Development of the basin FRM strategy and plan and sectoral FRM policies underway


Methodology and tools

developed for vulnerability assessment and prioritization of communities at risk

Hi-res Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)

and topographic data sets acquired, a basin-wide hydrological model developed to simulate scenarios and calculate hydrographs for studies of the Areas of Potentially Significant Flood Risk (APSFRs)

Community resilience

strengthened through participatory design and implementation of non-structural measures