Improving trade and market intelligence skills for trade promotion and finding new export opportunities

August 21, 2023
Photo: UNDP Tajikistan

UNDP and the International Trade Center (ITC) conducted the latest in a series of the trade intelligence capacity-building events, the 5-day ‘Training of Trainers (ToT) on the Central Asian Trade Information Portal and the underlying ITC’s Trade and Market Analysis Tools in Dushanbe during 14-18 August for 16 trade and business support specialists of Tajikistan.

The Government of Tajikistan has carried out immense efforts to develop and diversify the production and export structures focusing on trade-oriented private sector development. This transition, however, requires significant capacity building in trade and market intelligence vital to find new export opportunities and fully utilize export potential of the country.

During the training, participants enhanced their knowledge about using CATI portal and advanced trade and market analysis tools to navigate regional and international trade information crucial to promoting trade. The curriculum included hands-on sessions nurturing practical skills on data-driven research analysis of specific export markets including the demand level, market share distribution, prices, access requirements such tariffs and non-tariff measures amongst other important information, as well as methodologies for effective knowledge transfer and presentation skills.


The ToT workshop will effectively establish a network of certified experts in Tajikistan on CATI portal and ITC’s Trade and Market analysis tools (Trade Map and Market Access Map). Certified trainers will multiply knowledge among colleagues, partners, and MSMEs on how to use CATI portal and ITC tools as part of their daily work and export decision-making process thus ensuring sustainability of the program.

One of the participants of the workshop Mr. Maruf Abdullo, Head of the department on export of agricultural products, from the Export Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan mentioned that: 

 “The Training of Trainers was a great opportunity to learn about various trade dynamics through online trade and market intelligence tools. I am looking forward to further help MSMEs to utilize CATI portal as well as ‘Trade Map’ and ‘Market Access Map’ in finding new export opportunities. I hope that my skills will also be useful for those who is engaged in trade research and policymaking process”. 

The Capacity Building in Trade and Market Intelligence Program is implemented by UNDP’s ‘Aid for Trade in Central Asia’ project, funded by the Government of Finland, in collaboration with International Trade Center (ITC). The main objective of the AfT project is to support Central Asian countries in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth by developing green value chains and making economies more competitive, and to promote more resilient, secure and gender-responsive economic structures through economic diversification and adaptation to new trends brought about by COVID-19 and other external shocks.