4th Lake Chad Basin Governor's Forum

New Opportunities for Peace in a Shifting Security Context

June 29, 2023
RS-SRR Secretariat
Event Details

05 - 07 July 2023

N'Djamena, Chad

Over the past two decades, the Lake Chad Basin has been severely impacted changes in the climate and environmental conditions that have accelerated the shrinking of the lake and the Boko Haram insurgency. These have led to massive displacement, the destruction of the social fabric and property, human rights abuses, disrupted public services, limited capacities of government institutions, competition for scarce resources, inter-communal conflict, youth unemployment and restiveness. Emerging challenges such as the conflict between farmers and herders continues to further create tension between communities. 

The 4th Lake Chad Basin Governors' Forum therefore seeks to examine options for localised and comprehensive solutions that address climate security and conflict while interrogating the dynamics between farmers and herders towards long-term sustainable solutions. 


The fourth Forum will offer an opportunity to the eight Governors to strengthen ownership of the Forum process and create opportunities for multi-stakeholder participation and engagement with the Governors to consolidate gains and advance regional cooperation on key priority areas. 

Specific objectives 

Under the overarching theme of “New Opportunities for Peace in a Shifting Security Context”, the Fourth Lake Chad Basin Governors’ Forum objectives are to:  

  • Enhance understanding of the emerging security trends in the region and the implications of the ongoing efforts to complete the restoration of state authority in the region. 
  • Take stock of the progress of the five years of the RS-SRR and propose key strategic priorities for the next phase of the RS-SRR. 
  • Discuss pathways for community reintegration and transitional justice in the region. 
  • Examine the role and implication of Vigilante Groups and Government-affiliated non-state security actors in the Lake Chad Region
  • Find ways of scaling up and building partnering for solutions to the situation of forcibly displaced (refugees and IDPs) in the LCB.” 
  • Provide options for Climate Security and Natural Resource Management in the region and.   
  • Examine the agropastoral, farmer-herder dynamics, and implications for community resilience and sustainable peace in the LCBC Region

Expected Outputs

Stakeholders will agree on a shared understanding of the trajectory of the security situation in the Lake Chad Basin region and proffer different programmatic and policy pathways to long-term Stabilization, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development in the region. 

Background Documents

Concept Note and Agenda

Press Release

UNDP WACA 2022 Annual Report

Lake Chad Basin and Liptako-Gourma Region 2022 Summary Report

Trello Board