Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (VI)

Duration:2023 – 2025
Donor:European Union
Coverage:Both banks of the Nistru river
Beneficiaries:People living on both banks of the Nistru river
Focus Area:Inclusive Growth
Partners:The Bureau for Reintegration Policies, local authorities, business associations, Chambers of Commerce, community-based organizations, international, national and local non-governmental organizations active on both banks
Project Document:Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (VI)
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.(link is external)


Project Summary:

The European Union Confidence Building Measures Programme aims to increase trust between people on both sides of the Nistru river by supporting joint activities in four core areas: 1) Economic development and decent job creation for women and men, 2) Enhanced cross-river thematic cooperation between the civil society from both banks, 3) Community Development and small-scale social infrastructure support, 4) Promotion of cultural heritage.


  • To create employment opportunities and livelihoods across the Nistru river by stimulating economic activity according to new models and cross-river cooperation;
  • To support the functioning and joint problem-solving for six cross river sectoral collaboration platforms: health, environment, culture, education, sports and tourism;
  • To empower local communities and actors from both banks to participate in collaborative projects which address pressing development needs and ensure the delivery of essential public services on both banks;
  • To support the cultural sector with a focus on the conservation and promotion of historical heritage to investing into country’s future and facilitating sustainable development, social resilience and conflict resolution.  

Expected results:

  • Improved living conditions on the two banks of the Nistru river through increased economic opportunities and up to 50 jobs creation;  
  • Consolidated cross-river cooperation for the development of solutions that contribute to the competitiveness enhancement of the business environment on both banks of the river Nistru; 
  • 12 communities on both banks with improved engagement practices and increased public participation in development outcomes via a sustainable dialogue among citizens, private sector, the civil society and emigrants;
  • Approx. 40 CSOs from both banks co-produce development projects solving joint problems for the good of both banks' socio-economic development; 6 joint existing platforms for cooperation between CSOs from both banks are further developed and supported to limit disparity thematic among banks;  
  • Community development of 12 localities on both banks enhanced mostly through capacity building; up to 6 critical social infrastructure and up to four cultural heritage development implemented for the benefit of over 40,000 people.  At least 2,000 Moldovan citizens (of which at least 15% diaspora representatives) participate in and influence public service provision, decision-making and budgets in their localities; 
  • At least 10 hometown associations and/or initiative groups will be created and benefit from improved skills and knowledge on fundraising, inclusive governance, integration of leave no one behind and community mobilization approaches in project implementation and public participation in development outcomes; 
  • Culture heritage is used as a driver for development and confidence building;  
  • The left bank of Nistru river is further and actively involved in Moldovan-wide sectoral initiatives to facilitate the future reintegration while limiting the development gap between both banks. 
European Union