Inclusive Digital Basket:

10 Lessons for implementation

PROJECT OWNER: AccLab LAC – El Salvador 

Systematization document of the Digi-Chiquihuites project, a UNDP initiative for inclusive digitization as a catalyst for economic and social recovery. 


This is the systematization document of the Digi-Chiquihuites project, a UNDP initiative for inclusive digitization as a catalyst for economic and social recovery.  

This article presents an excerpt from the systematization of the component developed with the Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) and the Salvadoran Tourism Institute (ISTU) to share with other implementers and policymakers seeking to contribute to reducing the digital divide, especially in vulnerable populations. The learnings are summarized in 10 actionable lessons for the design of inclusive digital baskets and provide a general framework for the implemented intervention strategy.  

These ten lessons respond to and add value to the economic reactivation of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), especially those in the tourism sector, from an inclusive digitization approach. The approach placed people at the center of the intervention in response to the effects of mobility restrictions and other impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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