In depth
Challenges in Yemen
Because of on-going conflict since 2015, Yemen’s economy has contracted by nearly 50 per cent and many have gone unpaid or have lost their source of income. Prices have soared and average food prices are nearly 150 per cent higher than before the conflict, causing more than 80 per cent of Yemenis to fall below the poverty line. And despite ongoing humanitarian assistance, nearly 16 million people wake up hungry every day. In the absence of food assistance, it is estimated this number will soar to 20 million.
Violence and instability has affected almost all Yemeni governorates, impeding access to basic services including education, health, water and sanitation. Lacking revenue, institutions struggle to pay salaries and running costs, while equipment and infrastructure continue to deteriorate.
Displacement of over 3 million people within the country has put additional pressure on systems, infrastructures, and community resources. There is now urgent demand for financial support, alternative energy sources and resumption of basic services.
Our intervention
The programme portfolio is inter-related and complementary, essential to economic resilience and recovery. Together, projects contribute to income-generation, job creation and service restoration. They are designed to foster communities that are more cohesive – better able to manage conflict, provide psychosocial support and manage future risks and shocks.
Mitigating the impact of crisis
To swiftly reduce the impact of the crisis on households and communities, UNDP focuses on income sources for the most vulnerable and restoring essential service delivery for all including:
- Creating labour-intensive cash-for-work schemes that generate required household income to purchase basic necessities.
- Supporting microfinance institutions to relieve the most challenged people of their debts, with a view to transition to longer-term development.
- Providing and improving skills of women and youth to equip them for employment in critical service sectors such as education.
- Strengthening expertise among community mid-wives and paramedics contributes directly to the quality of healthcare.
Empowering communities
Recognizing the potential of households and communities as strong drivers of recovery and strength-building efforts, UNDP projects are designed to provide emergency relief while also preparing communities for the eventual withdrawal of humanitarian actors. Cash for short-term work revives local economies, enables rapid improvements to infrastructure and services, builds community assets, strengthens partnerships with local authorities and ultimately empowers community members.
Enhancing resilience
Enhancing the ability of people in rural areas to cope with the effects of crisis, UNDP has introduced solar energy in several communities to promote renewable energy as a sustainable way to enhance livelihoods, reduce business and household costs, and improve services in priority sectors such as education and health. Complementary initiatives aim to reduce tensions and improve social cohesion, engage private and public actors to identify and respond to community needs, as well as train community members to mediate and resolve conflicts.
Over 4,000
hectares - approximately 10 acres - of farmland built or improved
(as of 31 December 2018)