PROJECT OWNER: AccLab LAC - Argentina 

This tool utilizes ChatGPT to build a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model useful for analyzing and highlighting common elements among different political speeches. Moreover, based on these common elements, this tool can generate artificial speeches that emphasize consensus factors within the political landscape of a society. Consequently, this tool empowers governments and other stakeholders to generate evidence in support of initiatives aimed at achieving political consensus. 


The launch of ChatGPT will be remembered as one of the major milestones in popularizing artificial intelligence (AI). It resulted in a sort of collective awareness in two senses: AI touches us closely and is accessible to everyone. 

Public discourse on AI and its implications, such as the type of information it uses, obtains, and provides, its uses and applications, its consequences, and, naturally, its regulation, has accelerated, while simultaneously broadening, involving a larger number of participants. From Co_Lab, the Acceleration Lab of UNDP Argentina, like many of you, we join this conversation and want to share what we are learning to better understand the challenges and opportunities of AI for the development of Argentinians. 

ChatGPT is an extremely user-friendly AI tool that can be used through a web interface similar to any chatbot. Like others that came shortly after, Google's Bard or Microsoft's Bing AI, it can receive and understand a wide variety of instructions, even in colloquial language. Furthermore, it provides results immediately. All of this attracted different types of users, and in just 5 days, a million people were already using it. Its rapid adoption raised questions about its possibilities and risks, leading to various conversations about its implications. 


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