Key officials highlighted the importance of women's leadership in the region's health

High-level event "Women's Leadership in the Regional Health and Resilience Agenda" featured the participation of prominent figures in the health sector.

March 12, 2024
Persona caminando en pasillo de hospital

In Latin America and the Caribbean, half of the doctors and over 80% of nursing staff are women, a key workforce in healthcare. However, women only hold between 8 and 25% of leadership positions in hospital institutions

UNDP Costa Rica

Washington D.C., March 8, 2024 - On the occasion of International Women's Day, the high-level event organized by the Inter-American Task Force on women's leadership with the support of the Government of Canada, placed on the agenda the importance of more women leading the region's health, highlighting best practices on the transformative role they play in the sector despite the multiple challenges they face to assume leadership roles.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, half of the doctors and over 80% of nursing staff are women (IDB, 2019), a key workforce in healthcare. However, women only hold between 8 and 25% of leadership positions in hospital institutions (Boston Consulting Group, 2019 - UNDP, 2018). Likewise, only one in five health ministries in the region is led by a woman. Overall, women participate less in health decision-making, which obscures their specific needs and those of the people under their care.

In this context, the event "Women's Leadership in the Regional Health and Resilience Agenda" featured the participation of key authorities from the States, international and inter-American organizations, and civil society organizations. The conversation focused on the critical contribution of women to achieving the health goals proposed for the region within the framework of the Inter-American Plan of Action on Health and Resilience adopted by the States at the Ninth Summit of the Americas.

The participating authorities and organizations agreed to continue joining efforts to eliminate barriers, ensure the retention of women in the sector, and enable them to assume leadership positions in healthcare.



About the Task Force:

The Inter-American Task Force on Women's Leadership is a platform composed of twelve international organizations committed to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment through increased cooperation and synergies among institutions. The Task Force comprises: CIM/OAS, IACHR, ECLAC, PAHO/WHO, ParlAmericas, UNDP, UN Women, CAF-Latin American Development Bank, the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), International IDEA, CIWiL, and CLADEM.