Project Summary

Liberia’s forest resources face several challenges and threats that are posing considerable damage to the integrity of the ecosystems and the provision of essential ecosystem services, including soil quality, forest cover and forest health, water quality, and plants and animals. To address the numerous threats and underlying causes leading to biodiversity loss, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) is implementing a three-year project titled “LEH GO GREEN”. It is a European Union-funded project (4.8 million USD) which is focusing on forest users and forest fringe communities in Liberia's Northwest and Southeastern landscapes, including Gola Forest National Park and Grebo-Krahn National Park.

The project seeks to address livelihood and climate change mitigation barriers through proposed actions. These interventions will help enhance forest restoration in degraded areas, promote diversified livelihoods that can respond to environmental shocks and stresses, and increase economic engagement and opportunities for underserved populations, especially women and youth. Additionally, actions taken will support the sustainable utilization of forest resources to achieve economic and conservation outcomes, promote incentive-based and collaborative conservation agreements, reduce the impact of commercial logging to enhance community stewardship and benefits from sustainable forest management and build local capacity to engage in carbon market dialogues.


The project will focus on: 

  • Strengthening the sustainable use of natural resources in Liberia while contributing to the fight against climate change.

  • Increasing jobs and growth for forest communities in the Grebo-Krahn National Park and Gola Forest National Park.

  • Enhancing access to forest-based revenue and livelihood opportunities for improved forestry and conservation activities.

Expected Results

The project will address planning, capacity building, livelihood, and knowledge barriers by effectively promoting sustainable livelihood and use of natural resources targeting forest fringe communities through incentive-based conservation activities. 

  • Community Conservation Agreement (CCA) developed and implemented to support sustainable livelihood and nature-based solutions in targeted authorized forest communities.
  • Sustainable management of reduced-impact community-based commercial logging promoted based on best practices and guidelines developed and piloted in targeted authorized forest communities.
  • Resilient and diversified income and livelihood opportunities and business development of forest-related enterprises created and strengthened.
  • Mechanisms to foster sustainable financing of local forest-based enterprises promoted for enhancing the capacity of forest communities to be aware of carbon market opportunities and participate in carbon readiness activities.

Quick Facts

Duration  36 months
InvestmentUSD 4,943,250.00 Million
Funding Source/DonorEuropean Union
Implementation modality Direct Implementation
Responsible PartnerForestry Development Authority
Implementing Partners

Society for the Conservation of Nature Liberia (SCNL), 

WCF, BRAC, Forestry Training Institute (FTI)

Project Location

Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh,

 Lofa and RiverGee

Beneficiaries Approximately 30 forest communities, 500 households

Quick facts