UNDP trains Papua New Guinean legal practitioners on anti-corruption legislation

As part of its activities under the European Union funded PNG Anti-Corruption Project, UNDP held a training on anti-corruption legislation for over 30 legal practitioners from Papua New Guinea on 10 May 2024.

May 15, 2024

Lawyers, representatives of the Government and relevant anti-corruption institutions participated in the training.

Seru Kepa | UNDP Papua New Guinea

The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of and to discuss the implementation and quality of the existing legal framework for combating corruption in Papua New Guinea. Lawyers, representatives of the Government and relevant anti-corruption institutions participated in the training to gain an in-depth understanding of the solutions needed for achieving full compliance with international anti-corruption standards in Papua New Guinea, as well as the specific responsibilities of legal professionals in carrying out anti-corruption reform at the national level. 

UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Nicholas Booth, delivering his opening remarks.

Seru Kepa | UNDP Papua New Guinea

‘’Lawyers are at the heart of upholding the system against corruption. Without a robust legislative framework, countries are not able to successfully combat corruption. You have the power to influence that framework, which is why it is so critical that you are all aware of the best practices to ensure transparency, and detect and prevent corruption,’’ stated UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Nicholas Booth, in his opening remarks to the participants. 

Judge Administrator of the PNG Center for Judicial Excellence, Justice John Carey, during his remarks.

Seru Kepa | UNDP Papua New Guinea

‘’In Papua New Guinea, we already have a strong legislative regime in place for combating corruption. Our issues lie in the effective implementation of that legislation. Workshops like this give you an opportunity to receive knowledge, skills, and awareness to perform in a manner that promotes integrity. Furthermore, you will gain critical insight on meeting the international standards and requirements that we've all agreed to uphold to ensure that Papua New Guinea is a better and safer place for all,’’ added the Judge Administrator of the PNG Center for Judicial Excellence, Justice John Carey.

Commissioner from the PNG Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mr. Andrew Forbes, attended the workshop.

Seru Kepa | UNDP Papua New Guinea

Commissioner from the PNG Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mr. Andrew Forbes, also attended the workshop and encouraged the participants to be aware of the significant role they can play in strengthening Papua New Guinea’s anti-corruption efforts. ‘’As legal professionals, you play an influential role in shifting where Papua New Guinea should go as a country. Do not underestimate the significance of your profession and your responsibility in enhancing integrity and combating corruption,’’ he stated.

The PNG Anti-Corruption Project is generously funded by the European Union and jointly implemented by UNDP and UNODC.