UNDP North Macedonia activities for protection of the environment

June 5, 2024

To help the country respond to the challenges of climate change, UNDP strengthens policy frameworks and local capacities for climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster risk management and efficient management of protected areas. 

The CO contributes to the country’s enhanced institutional capacity to meet its commitments to UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) by supporting the development of national communications and transparency reports. 

Particular focus is put on preservation and improvement of the ecological system in the Prespa Lake, a Monument of Nature, and enhancement of the transboundary cooperation and improvement of connectivity and mobility around the Lake. 

In the area of disaster risk reduction, the CO is focusing on instigating transformational change in managing flood risk in the region, accelerating the shift from purely reactive responses to floods to integrated systems to manage hazards, vulnerabilities and exposure of communities and assets to prevent/ mitigate losses and alleviate the impact of future floods. 

As a contribution to the overall efforts to decrease of the annual levels of fine particulate matter (PM10), the office is providing a model for collection and modelling of air quality data and support for the development and implementation of municipal air quality plans.

UNDP focuses on innovative financing mechanisms to advance the green agenda, particularly in providing opportunities for SMEs and households in North Macedonia to access renewable energy and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.