SDG Platform for Central Asia: how the EU is helping Central Asia tackle uranium legacy

The SDG Platform for Central Asia, developed within the framework of a cross-border UNDP initiative, is a visionary digital tool designed to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the region.

June 10, 2024

This innovative platform, made possible through generous funding from the European Union (EU), also showcases the transformative impact of EU-funded initiatives. Their significant contribution is evident in the critical second phase of a programme focused on uranium legacy remediation, implemented by UNDP Kyrgyzstan.

Addressing Uranium Legacy in Kyrgyzstan

Historically, Kyrgyzstan was a significant source of uranium and rare-earth metals for the USSR, with mining activities starting in the 1940s. These activities exposed approximately 6,500 hectares of land to radiation and toxic contamination, creating 92 hazardous and highly toxic waste landfills.

The EU-funded "Stakeholder Engagement for Uranium Legacy Remediation in Central Asia" programme aims to mitigate the negative impacts of uranium tailings on people, livelihoods, and the environment. The initiative achieves it through awareness-raising and support for socio-economic, gender-sensitive, and risk-tolerant solutions at the community level.

One of the primary objectives of this initiative is to inform target communities about the radiation risks to human health and the environment. It involves ensuring that these communities have the right of access to information on uranium legacy sites. Additionally, the programme implements small grants aimed at the socio-economic development of these communities.

Welcome to Ak-Tyuz

In 2022, in honor of International Children's Day, UNDP built a playground in the village of Ak-Tyuz in the Chui region to aid in the community's recovery. This playground features swings, slides, and other equipment, as well as benches under shady canopies and paved paths. Garbage bins help keep the area clean and safe.

However, the area currently does not accommodate the recreation needs of teenagers and adults. Therefore, local authorities plan to expand the fencing to cover a wider area and turn it into a park. They are also planning to build sports equipment for teenagers to work out.

"The playground installed by UNDP has brought joy to the 150 children who use it, especially in summer. We are planning to repaint the playground and install solar panels for a fully inclusive space accommodating children and adults alike," says Anvar Turdubekov, the former village leader.

Off to Orlovka

In 2021, an ultrasound examination room was established in Orlovka as part of the remediation initiative. The equipment for this room was purchased through a small grant from the NGO "Dostoinoe Budushee Molodezhi-DMB."

The ultrasound machine has significantly enhanced the functionality of the general practitioners' center. It has contributed to improving public health and the quality of medical services provided to the population of Orlovka and nearby villages, helping people of all ages achieve better health outcomes.


These sites are just glimpses into the EU-funded uranium remediation initiative. This programme is only one of many EU-funded initiatives ensuring a sustainable future for Central Asia.

The ongoing efforts to mitigate the long-term environmental and health risks associated with the region's uranium legacy while fostering sustainable socio-economic development for the communities involved underscore the vital role of international collaboration and funding in achieving these goals.

How it all began

In July 2021, the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan and UNDP signed an agreement to establish a Regional SDG Platform for knowledge exchange across Central Asia. This platform embodies regional integration by fostering knowledge-sharing, reinforcing institutions, and addressing financial barriers that hinder sustainable development.

20 years of EU-UNDP partnership

For more than 20 years, the EU-UNDP partnership has exemplified the power of regional collaboration and international solidarity. By combining the EU's resources with UNDP's local expertise, this partnership has driven positive change in sustainable economic development, inclusive governance, environmental sustainability, and social resilience, improving lives across Central Asia.


This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UNDP and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

The local hospital is usually busy, partly due to the efforts of Baibolot Kurmanaliev, the ultrasound operator who conducts exams once a week: "While the portable ultrasound unit has limitations compared to a stationary device, it remains invaluable for preliminary diagnostics. It identifies those who need further examination and directs them to other locations for comprehensive treatment. A stationary unit would offer better imaging and diagnostic capabilities, but the portable unit ensures no patient is left behind."