"Guinea-Bissau Digital" Attracts Over 400 Participants Daily

June 19, 2024

Foto Família - Abertura Oficial do Guiné-Bissau Digital

UNDP Guiné-Bissau

The digital revolution is shaping economies, societies and institutions around the world, and Guinea-Bissau is following this global trend. With the aim of meeting the challenges of the 21st century, driving progress and improving the quality of life of its citizens, the Government of Guinea-Bissau with UNDP and partners organised the International Conference "Guinea-Bissau Digital: Driving Digital Transformation" from 11 to 13 June 2024 in Bissau.
Success and Involvement
The event attracted more than 400 participants each day. This diverse audience included representatives from government, the private sector, academics, young people and members of civil society, all gathered to discuss and explore the role of digitalisation in Guinea-Bissau's future. The large turnout highlights the country's growing interest in and commitment to digital transformation.
Panel discussions and collaboration
During the three-day event, participants had the opportunity to take part in various activities. Among the highlights were the panel discussions, which brought together key figures from the government and the private sector to debate strategies and solutions for the digitalisation of Guinea-Bissau. These panels provided a forum for constructive discussions and the exchange of ideas, promoting close collaboration between different sectors.
Networking opportunities
In addition to the panels and presentation sessions, the event also offered ample networking opportunities. Participants were able to interact, exchange experiences and establish partnerships that will be crucial for the implementation of digital initiatives in the country. The technology exhibition was another highlight, showcasing innovations and technological solutions that can be adopted to improve public services and promote digital inclusion.
Impact and future
Digitalisation is seen as a powerful tool for tackling various challenges facing Guinea-Bissau, such as improving the provision of public services, economic growth, strengthening governance and promoting social inclusion. The " Guinea-Bissau Digital" event not only highlighted the importance of digital transformation, but also demonstrated UNDP's commitment to embracing this revolution in a participatory and sustainable way. 
By supporting the Digitalisation Strategy that will be led by the government of Guinea-Bissau and partners, UNDP renews its willingness to support Digitalisation.
As development partners, UNDP believes that digitalisation can really be a lever for the country to improve the living conditions of populations throughout the country.

The success of the event and the active participation of more than 400 people every day are indicative of the potential that digitalisation has to transform Guinea-Bissau. With the continued commitment of all stakeholders, the country is well on its way to becoming a more digitally connected and developed nation.
The realisation of the " Guinea-Bissau Digital" event marks a significant step in the country's journey towards digital transformation. The massive participation and involvement of various stakeholders highlights a promising future, where digitalisation will play a central role in Guinea-Bissau's development.